Help Has Arrive

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After both brothers managed to defeat all the soldiers, Aamon and the Duke use magic to fix the carriage, while Gusion and the Duchess looked for their belongings that was scarttered around during the fight. "It's only been an hour, do you think the letter manage to reach to the Grandmaster?" the Duchess asked her husband.

"I would think so, that eagle is fast when it comes to sending messages," the Duke replied.

"What shall we do now?" Gusion asked.

"For now, we must wait for help to arrive," Aamon replied.

Gusion groaned in annoyance as he hated to wait. Hours passed and the sun finally setted and night time was drawing near. The Duke casted a spell for the inside of the carriage to be kept warm, to protect his family from the cold night. "Well, this finely had bored me to death," Gusion finally decided to whine

"Patience Gusion, help will certainly arrive soon," said the Duke.

Just then a faint noise came from outside, which startled the family for a moment. Aamon and Gusion quickly blew out all the lanterns in the carriage, so the enemy would think it was an abandoned carriage. The noise outside became louder and louder and it the clicking of a horse coming closer. 'Probably the enemy, hope this one and idiot and pass by,' Aamon thought. The clicking slowed down for a moment and finally stopped; only to be replace by footsteps.

Aamon once more summoned his mana shards, ready to fight. The footsteps came closer and closer to the carriage. Aamon could feel his heart beating hard against his chest, as if his heart was a drum. The carriage door flung opened and Aamon charged at their attacker and and began to attack. While fighting, Aamon got a closer look at his opponent, he still couldn't see his opponent, but he was sure it was a she. Moreover, the clouds were blocking the light of the moon, so he couldn't see his opponent clearly. He kept fighting and fighting and he admitted that she was a formidable fighter.

"That voice seems familiar," said the opponent and her voice too shock him as well.

The cloud finally passed and the light of the moon finally shone down on them. Standing in front of him, a ninja dressed in an armour made of black and gold. Her hair dye in deep shade of violet like a pure orchid and tied in a high ponytail. Eyes blue as the morning sky and a black mask that complemented her armour very well. She looked at him and gave him a light chuckle. "Never thought I would see that silver hair of yours again Aamon," she said while taking off her mask, revealing her beautiful face.

"Hanabi Scarlet, finally me we meet again," while giving her a charming smile, his mana shards disappeared into his cape and her weapon disappeared as well.

"The Grandmaster received your letter and believe me, it took me a while to find you and your family"

"Isn't the village supposedly a few days away from here? And how did you manage to find us and get here in a short time?"

"Actually your family was heading towards enemy territory. Looks like your horseman was bribed to send you here, so the Paxley family would finally be eliminated; and cause a war between Castle Aberdeen and the Scarlet Village".

"How you managed to figure that out in a short time?"

"I was talking with someone, while getting here and shared some interesting info to me. So I paid him well, " she dragged her thumb across her neck, hinting the reward she gave to the traitor.

'A bit harsh, I like it,' he thought with a smile. "I'm guessing you're here to save us?" he asked.

"That's for me to know and you to shut up, my lord," she said as she walked to the carriage. Aamon watched with a mischievous smirk. "Your grace," she bowed while addressing the Duke and Duchess, "I am Hanabi Scarlet, my father sent me to escort your grace to our village". The Duke let out a sign of relief as he thanked the ninja. "However, it will take us a week time to arrive as we are far away and close to enemy territory," she continued explaining their situation.

"Then how did you manage to get here so fast?" Gusion asked. Hanabi explained that she took a passage way that was faster; however the path was too small to transport a huge carriage. Hanabi excused herself as she let the Duke and Duchess to discuss, after explaining the possible route they could take. She walked back to her horse to see the young heir gently patting it. She rolled her eyes, trying to shake off the nonsense in her head. Walking to her saddle bag, she took out an apple and feed it to her horse.

"I see you take care of her well, from the last time I saw her," said Aamon, referring her to the mare.

"She is an obedient and loyal mare; it would be a waste to let her die," she replied.

"She was a poor foal that we found while exploring the bamboo forest," Aamon reminded. Hanabi let out a small chuckle, as she remembered the past.

"How touching that you remember, my lord," she earned a small laugh from the silver-haired noble.

"No need to address me so formally, dewdrop".

Hanabi felt her cheeks heating up as he called her by the cute nickname he gave her long ago. She remembered that she would snuck out at dawn to collect dews from flowers; as she claimed the water to be sweet as honey. She remembered being caught by him one morning, while collecting the dew into her cup; but he never told anyone and giving the nickname 'dewdrop'.

Aamon smiled, feeling satisfied to see her cute blush. "My lord, it would be respectful, if you do not call by that name," she turned her head away, hiding her blush.

'Her flustered face is adorable,' he thought as he gently grabbed her chin; forcing her to look at him. "You are quite the interesting one dewdrop; allow me to court you," he asked with a sly smile.

Hanabi's poor face turned red as a tomato and she could her cheeks heating up, as if they were gonna explode at any second. She heavily swallowed the lump in her throat, returning the colour of her face. "Please be more respectful my lord, I am a mere commoner with a low status; I could not measure up to your standards nor your level of status. I suggest my lord to look for someone more fitting, with an excellent level of class and status," she sternly said, showing her ground and seriousness.

Aamon was impressed with her level of professionalism, such seriousness can certainly impress the elders of the Paxley family. 'It is certainly amusing to tease her; she has always felt offended from my teasing since we were kids. She could make an excellent partner for either me or Gusion, but I would prefer to have her as my partner,' he continued to tease her until Gusion decided to cut short on their cute reunion.

"Hate to intrude, but father has made a decision Hanabi," he said. Hanabi nodded and walked to the carriage. Aamon was about to follow her, when Gusion stopped him. "How unfair of you to get a head on our bet, big brother," said Gusion with smirk.

Aamon replied with a light chuckle, before saying, "Usually, I would not care about our small bets Gusion; but this is one prize that I am not willing to let you win," he walked to the carriage.

"This will be the most interesting trip I had ever gone to," murmured Gusion, while planning a way to get the ninja's attention.

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