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Trigger Warning: Blood and injury
Characters: Phantom and Mare
Summary: Mare is reckless, and Phantom just wants to help.
Word Count: 337
Happy 10 years to Nate being a content creator! I have this and another to write about his egos!
Also, warning, the blood and injury start right off the bat!

Mare released a singular breath as he came inside the house. His clothes were drenched in both his and someone else's blood, so the animatronic-based ego knew he had to be quiet, or else he'd have to explain why exactly he was covered in blood. Plus, his nose was bleeding, a clear sign he was punched and was in a fight.

As the ego looked around, he cautiously began to walk towards his room, regretting the fact that his room was on the second floor. However, right when he thought he was safe, a light flicked one, and Phantom entered his sight. With a groan, Mare tried to ignore him and quickly walk away.

"Mare, don't go, I just want to know if you're okay," Phantom told Mare as he quickly stood in his way. "I care about you, okay? I want you to be safe," The demon added with a gentle yet serious tone. He showed that he was caring, but Mare didn't seem to even want to be around him.

"Fuck off," Mare mumbled as he pushed his way passed Phantom. He didn't need care; He never did, so why did Phantom seem to think the older one of the egos did? Besides, even if needed help, he can do things himself. "Leave me alone, Phantom." He hoped that would be enough, but Phantom lightly tugged his arm.

"Mare, please. You're my brother, and you're hurt. Just let me treat your injuries at list, I won't even ask what the hell happened." The demon hoped that would be enough, and it seemed so because the animatronic-themed ego didn't even try to leave, like he did in the past. "Come on, let's go to the bathroom, that's the only place where a kit is."

Mare just nodded as he led the way due to being closer to it than Phantom. "Thanks, I guess for not prying," He mumbled again.

The demon ego just nodded. "No problem, Mare. I just want you to be comfortable and safe."

Ego One-Shots/DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now