Chapter 3 Titans Tower

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The walk to the tower was quite peaceful,seeing how it was so close to the city.
The calm waves bashing against the little island were the tower stood.With my black cloak on I looked like a priest.I knocked on what I asked was the front door.A few minutes pass and a boy with green skin and dark green hair answers the door."Hi."He said with a smile.Soon five people had me surrounded."Man you must be Phoenix."Yelled a Cyborg."Welcome."Stated a young women with a dark blue cloak on."Greetings."Stated a red haired girl with green eyes.I raise my cut eyebrow but they couldn't see.A hand appears on my shoulder,instantly I react flipping the owner over me onto the ground.A young man with black spikes for hair and a eye mask stares at me."Sorry you startled me."I reply.I help him up."So,you must be the Titans correct."They nod their heads."Do you want to take if your coat?"Asked the green boy.I fold up my cloak after slipping it off."What?"I ask the shocked Titans."We thought you would be opposite."Stated the Cyborg.They believed I was a man."I love your black hair."Said the red head."Thank you."I state nodding my head once."Follow us we will lead you to your room."Said the black haired hero.I follow calmly,my inch high heels barley making a sound."So,um,where were you from,we know you grew up in Texas but where did you go?"asked the cyborg."London,"I reply."I was helping people who needed something gone."I state with a smirk."So Phoenix after we show you around the tower,and your room,do you,I don't know want to train with us.?"Asked Spike Head.I stop dead in my tracks and do a evil smile."Sure but just to warn you,Im one who doesn't hesitate."I reply.That seemed to startle them.It should I'm something there not.

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