who are you?

18 0 1

Y/n pov

"Oh shit I forgot about that! Bye Y/N see you later" Wilbur said as he got up and walked out of your room.

It hurt a bit to swallow the food but you just delt with it. It was the first real meal you had gotten in a long time.

A few minutes after you had eaten a boy came into your room he had blonde hair and was wearing a red and white shirt with beige cargo pants. He was carrying a box of what seemed to be old clothes "hey I'm Tommy my dad told me to bring you this so you could get changed if you wanted to and, here's the bathroom" the kid said putting down the box and hitting a door. "Anyway bye, and sorry for screaming this morning"

"O-ok" you stuttered as he left you walked over and found a large hoodie and some sweat pants. You then went to get a shower because you really needed one.

After you got of the shower you realized a note on your bedroom door that read:
Hey Y/N I had to go get groceries but Tommy's home and Tubbo is probably over so your not completely alone I suggest you meet Tubbo too he's really nice.
Sincerely, Phil

'i've been meaning to talk to the others ig' you thought as you left the room.

As you passed each door you saw that each door had a name with designs on it.

'Wilbur' a sign read, the door had guitar, TNT, and fire stickers on it and seemed to be made of oak.

'Techno' the next rooms sign said it had TNT, and pig stickers on it and was painted a crimson red.

'Phil' said the third door the door wasn't as decorated as the others it was only painted forest green.

'Tommy' the last door said it had disc stickers, sword stickers, some flag that I didn't quite know what it was. But the rest of the door was bright red.

You knocked on the door that said 'tommy' and waited patiently. "Come in" you heard a voice say from inside. As you walked in you saw Tommy and 2 other boys one a smaller brunette and the other half white, half black, and taller.

"Hey, Phil left another saying I should talk with you guys to get know you more and whatnot." You said quickly.

"Ok just sit next to Ranboo" Tommy said pointing to his bed where 'ranboo' was sitting.

You walked over and sat down "Hi I'm Ranboo" the boy said reaching his hand out.

"Y/N" you said shaking his hand "nice to meet you"

"That's Tubbo" Tommy said pointing at a boy who was fixated on something out the window.

"What are you even looking at?" Ranboo said.

"THERES A BEE!!!" Tubbo shouted excitedly.

"A BEE WHERE" you yelled back making everyone but Tubbo look at you.

"Right there" Tubbo said as he pointed out the window as ranboo chuckles at how excited you two are about a bee that was outside.

Suddenly you hear what sounds like glass breaking from the kitchen "YOU 3 GET DOWN" you whisper yell to the boys. Tubbo ducks under the window as Ranboo and Tommy slide out of their seats and too the ground.

You walk out of the room and into the kitchen to see a man he had a dark blue beanie and a white shirt with dark blue suspenders holding up his black pants. He was just standing in the middle of a ton of shattered glass.

Without thinking you jumped at him and pinned him to the ground with your knee in-between his shoulder blades and his hands behind his back."WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU"

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