Chapter Six

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"We should start over.
Hi, I'm Rapunzel
And I'm invisible."

Jack laughed.
"What? Why are you laughing at me?" Rapunzel asked, changing her sight to the ground.
"Invisible?" Jack repeated, "Good one, and I'm the spirit of winter."
"You think I would lie about that?"
"I wouldn't call it a lie, a joke maybe."
Rapunzel huffed, "Fine! I'll prove it!"
Jack smirked, "By what? 'revealing yourself'?" he snickered.
"Hold out your hand."
Jack complied.
Rapunzel didn't know why she had suggested that so she just went along with it, "Close your eyes."
"Yes because that will help." he replied sarcastically while shutting his eyes.
Rapunzel intertwined her delicate fingers into his slender ones. And for a reason beyond her comprehension, she cupped his face with her free hand.
He caught himself falling into it, though relaxed he was able to let soft words escape through his lips, "Can I open my eyes now?"
Rapunzel looked at the part of his lips and could feel her cheeks warming up, she jolted her face and quietly told him he could.
His eyes slowly opened, expecting a beautiful girl in front of him.
But instead, he saw nothing.
The touch was still there, her skin still warm, but in front of him was nothing.
"Okay this isn't funny anymore, what's happening?" he asked, darting his eyes all around.
Rapunzel let go and the cold air instantly hit what spots she had been resting on him.
"I already told you! I'm invisible!"
"That... That doesn't make any sense."
Rapunzel let out a sigh, "I know, and I don't know why either."

"I'm sorry little Dove." was all he could muster.
"It-It's okay. I-I'm used to it."

"This is kind of awkward now. So, you're invisible and lost?"
Rapunzel nodded, "Yeah."
"Do you need help?"
"I can try my best, if you stay on guard while I get gas then we can go look for your home."
Rapunzel brought him into a hug, startling the boy, "Thank you!"
Jack nodded, unsure of how to react, he attempted to hug her back.
She seemed to be really petite, he easily wrapped his arms around her waist.
She pulled away, "Go on then, time is daylight!"

Jack came back with a red cannisters in hand.
"Ooh what's that?"
Jack walked up to the bike, near Rapunzel, "You've never seen gas before?"
"I haven't seen a lot of things, I don't really get out much."
"Yeah? Why is that?"
She huffed, "Well, no one can really see me. I'm kinda like a ghost."
"Makes sense, I don't think that should stop you though." Jack replied, filling up the motorcycle.
"Why is that?"
"Well, it let me meet you, and you're kinda really intriguing. I'd say I'm satisfied with your outing."
Rapunzel nodded, "Yeah! Me too!"
She took another photo of Jack, this time getting his striking eyes in the picture.
"What did you just do?"
Rapunzel jumped, "What do you mean?"
"I thought I- nevermind." he put the container down and got on the seat, "Hop on little Dove."
Rapunzel hesitated, "How?"
"Just kinda one leg over, like I did."
She obliged and and panicked, "How do I stay on?!"
Jack chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, "You uh, wrap your arms around me and hold on tight."
"That doesn't really seem safe."
"Do you trust me?" Jack asked her.
"Do you trust me?"
She blinked a few times, "Yes."

He reved the gears as soon as he felt her arms around him, "Good to know."

After leaving the alley and opening into the highway he asked her the direction she lived, she casually pointed out, admitting she wasn't too sure but didn't remember taking any turns.
"It's a good thing we aren't walking then."

Apparently there was one turn.
But they eventually made it to her house.
"Okay stop right here." Rapunzel directed, tugging on his sweater to signal.
Jack looked at the Palace in front of him, "Oh, you know the way from here?" he asked, pulling to the side of the road.
Rapunzel nodded, "Well, yes, it's just right across the street."
Jack, forgetting for a moment her situation, turned his head to look at her, "You must be mistaken, pretty sure that's the Gothel residence."
"Yes. My house."
"Really? I didn't think Esther Gothel had a kid."
"Oh, right. Don't tell anyone I exist Jack."
Rapunzel delicately placed her hands on his shoulders, staring directly into his eyes, "Jack, I died."
"You're a ghost?!"
"Well, no. But we never met. Today never happened. Rapunzel Gothel died publicly 12 years ago, from a sickness."
"Why are you saying this?" Jack asked, genuinely hurt and dumbfounded.
"I valued this day, I appreciate you for everything you've done and I'll always treasure this. But no one can know I'm alive, please just, trust me."

Jack sucked in his lips, "Alright, I won't tell anyone. But I have conditions."
"Of course, what do you need?"
"I don't want to forget about this night. Or you. And I'd like to have something to remember you my Dove."
Rapunzel nodded, "Okay I can do that." she blindly felt around her bag, "Okay, this is all I really have with me." she admitted, handing him a little pendant.
It was a sun, golden and old, 1/3 of the circle was the moon.
"What is this."
"My lucky charm, from a story that comforted me as a child. Maybe with it, your bike won't break down or run out of gas again." she playfully winked.
Jack couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from raising, "Yeah."
"Okay now you have to promise me you won't tell."
Jack nodded, "Of course."
"And when I promise something, I never break that promise. Never."
He grinned, "I promise."

"Goodbye Jack." she whispered.

He instantly grabbed her wrist, "I don't like that."
"Not goodbye."
"Jack we already discussed-"
"Until next time my Dove."

Rapunzel was lucky he couldn't see the warmth she felt grow on her cheeks.

"Oh-okay. Until next time."

He started the vehicle up again and left back towards the direction he came.
She quickly ran back to her home.
Ready to tell Ellen of her return and her adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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