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  Sushma : Pragya!!!!  Are you alright ????

  Pragya : Yes.  I'm completely fine Auntie????  What happened to me????  But, why did you ask that????

   Others were confused as to why Sushma asked.

   Sushma : Lie!!!!  Absolutely lie!!!!  By looking at you condition, anyone can tell that your condition is not well.

   Pragya : There is no such thing, Auntie.  I completely fine.  Thanks for asking about me. I'm tired just because of traveling.  Nothing else.

   Others agreed with her answer.  But, Sushma was not satisfied with Pragya's reply.

   Sushma : Pragya won't tell me.  Vansh, you tell me what is the matter.

   Vansh : I don't even know what is the matter actually.  When I met Pragya was already in such a state.  And....

   Vansh could not muster the courage to say in what condition he had found Pragya.  He knows very well what his mother's reaction will be.

   Sushma : Vansh, I am asking you something.  Why did you stop while you were talking????  Is there something serious you can't tell me????  You have my swear!!

   Now Vansh was left with no option but to speak the truth.

   Vansh : Mother, Pragya committed suicide when I found Pragya.   With great difficulty I prevented her from committing suicide. On top of that, madam is pregnant.

   All the Raisinghanians were astonished to hear what Vansh told them.  They could not digest the fact that Pragya who was a strong person who always inspired others, was going to commit suicide.  Something so big must have happened that she tried to end her life.  Now, Pragya can feel that all eyes are on her.

   Sushma : Pragya, what is this????  Why do you want to commit suicide????  You are so strong, then why did you try to commit suicide????  Did you know you are pregnant????

   Pragya nods her head in yes.  Everyone especially Sushma was shocked to learn that Pragya tried to commit suicide even after knowing that she is pregnant.

   Sushma (angrily): You knew you were pregnant even after you tried to commit suicide????  You didn't care about your life, didn't even care about your own child????

   Hearing this, Pragya started crying loudly.  Sushma immediately sat beside Pragya and placed Pragya's head in her lap.  She starts caressing her hair with love and affection.  Seeing Pragya crying, Sushma forgot that she was asking Pragya the reason behind Pragya's suicide.  She may not have given birth to Pragya;  But she was more than a daughter to her.  She loved Pragya like her own daughter.  She loved Pragya more than her children. Sushma was feeling guilty that Pragya started crying because of her.

   Sushma : Forgive me Pragya.  You are crying because of me.

   Pragya : Why are you saying sorry to me????  It is not your fault. After a long time someone asked about me.  You all were genuinely concerned for me.  That's why I was crying.

   Now Pragya has stopped crying and has wiped her tears.  He has decided to tell them everything.

   Pragya : Let me tell you something, Auntir.

   Vansh (dramatically) : So, tell us!!!!  Who stopped you????

   Pragya gives him a fatal glare.  Vansh gets scared seeing Pragya's fatal glare.  Seeing this the others laughed.

   Sushma : Whatever you want to say, say it without any hesitation.  No one will stop you, while you speak, says this dazzling lineage.

   Pragya took a deep breath and told him everything from the beginning till now.  Hearing Pragya's words, blood boils in anger.  They cannot even imagine how much loss Pragya has suffered because of them.  The nightingale was most surprised.  She wondered how a mother could do this to her own daughter.  When he kicked her out of his life, her so called in-laws didn't say anything.  They just stood there as if they were enjoying it.

   Sushma : It is their Bad luck for not recognizing the Kohinoor diamond.  And there is no need to cry thinking about them.  Don't think about the people who don't care about you.  What happened if they didn't support you????  We all are right!!!!  We will all be with you.  Now you have to think about your future child as well.  Whatever decision you take, take it carefully because your and your child's future depends on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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