3. Singing in the kitchen

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and someone singing loudly in the kitchen. I fell out of bed and unattractively pulled my shorts out of my ass crack (don't lie to yourself everyone does it). I stumbled through the doorframe nearly tripping and landing flat on my face. In the kitchen Greg was dancing around while listening to 'Bowling For Soup - 1985'. I giggled as he began to play the air guitar and he looked up grinning. He ran towards me, picked me up and spun around. I laughed and grabbed his hands spinning around

"Bruce Springsteen, Madonna
Way before Nirvana
There was U2 and Blondie
And music still on MTV
Her two kids in high school
They tell her that she's uncool
Cause she's still preoccupied
With 19, 19, 1985


She's seen all the classics
She knows every line
Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink
Even Saint Elmo's Fire
She rocked out to Wham
Not a big Limp Bizkit fan
Thought she'd get a hand
On a member of Duran Duran"

"Greggo the bacon." I hit his shoulder and we both ran over. Black strips of what used to be bacon lay on the pan still cooking well burning away. He looked down at me with a pout.

"Guess we're going out to eat." I chuckled. I ran back into my bedroom to get changed. I found Greg waiting patiently in the living room in the same clothes. Grabbing my car keys and asked "Do you wanna get some fresh clothes on." He shook his head replying

"I'll change before the graveyard shift. Would it be okay if you gave me a lift there?" I nodded back as I started the engine.

* 5 minutes later *

We stopped outside a local cafe and we went in. It was practically deserted except from the odd business man sipping on a cup of black coffee. We sat down at a booth and looked at the menu. A pretty blonde with her hair tied back into a ponytail walked up to us with a mustard coloured dress, covered by an apron and in her hand was a small notebook and pen.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked politely, I nodded saying,

"I'll have the bacon roll with fries and a chocolate milkshake. Thanks"

"Ummm I'll have the double cheese burger and a cappuccino please."

"Is that with fries or salad?" She asked whilst writing on the pad

"Fries please." He replied.

"It'll be ready in about 5-10 minutes, I'll just get your drinks ready." she collected the menu's. "By the way you two are an adorable couple... I totally ship you."

I blushed and replied. We're not together just co-workers." I saw Greg's face fall for a second but go back to his normal smily face although I could tell it was fake.

Greg's POV

Of course she only sees me as a friend. I'll never have a chance with a beautiful, independent girl like Izzy. Oh I wish... But wishing won't get me anywhere. I have to find other girls instead of Izzy, maybe it'll get my mind of her.

Back to Izzy's POV

The girl came back with a tray with our food and drinks and noticed the tension between us.

"I didn't mean to intrude of anything. I'm so sorry." she apologised.

"No problem love." Greg lazily winked at her and she blushed slightly. I could feel myself getting angry but why I've only known him for a day but it feels like I've known him for a lifetime. I checked my watch 2:30pm and tucked into the food as I watched Greg give his number to the girl on some scrap paper. He began to eat watching me closely, "Sooo..." I began.

"Yeah." he replied not even bothering to look up. For 5 minutes I tried to strike up a conversation with him but he wouldn't communicate so I ended up scrolling through tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and all types of social media on my phone. Once I finished eating, I studied Greg as he finished his meal.

"What did I do?" I asked

"Hmmm." he replied.

"That's exactly what I mean I don't even get a full reply just 'hmmm'."I retorted

"I'm sorry I've just had a lot on my mind recently." he mumbled

"I'm sorry for getting angry I guess."

"So what do you want to do now?" He asked.

"Well we could go paint balling..." I raised my eyebrows suggestively and he smirked.

Half an hour later I'm standing underneath a tree in Greg's garden with a baseball bat in my hands.

"I said we should go paint balling not trying to hit a piñata. Wait where did you even get this from?" I asked whilst swinging the bat blindly.

"My mother gave it to me for my last birthday." I lifted up the scarf, raising an eyebrow at him jokingly. "She says I spend too much time in the lab and she also thinks I'm a 5 year old but it's great watching you swing a bat at nothing." He burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh shut up it's not like you could do any better." I challenged.

"Wanna bet." he asked.

"Your on. $10." We shook hands and both began to hit.

* 3 hours later *

We're both still trying to hit that damn piñata after my final swing I hit the colourful paper mâché and tiny chocolates and candy bars began to pour out into a mini mountain on the floor. 5 minutes later we're sitting at his dining room table stuffing the candy into our mouths like kids. Let's just say that went on for a good couple of hours. Well it kept us entertained until we had to go to work and that reminds me, we have to be there in 20 minutes...

~~~~ \*o*/ ~~~~~~~~
On to the next chapter...

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