4. Huh What Do You Mean "I Like Greg"?

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We arrived at work on time thankfully and I waved at Allison as we walked in. I followed Greg into the locker room and watched him tap in his code as I went to look for mine. On the scrap piece of paper Grissom had scrawled.

"Locker number- 14. You can make up your own code. Grissom". Walking down to locker 14 I opened it and placed my satchel in, grabbing my phone and beats out then slammed the door. Following Greg out of the room I made my way down to the morgue.

"Good evening Isabelle you've got a body from Nick. I'll just be finishing these tests." Al informed me. I nodded grabbing the latex gloves and heading over to the body which had already been put on the table for me. I pulled my beats from my pocket and onto my head, pressing shuffle I took a sample of DNA from the inside of his cheek and put it through the system. It came up with a man called Jonathan Ross, 37, married with 2 kids. I began to cut up the body and start the autopsy...

* 3 hours later *

Nick came into the morgue with a cheeky grin.

"Have you been bugging Sara to go out with one of your Texan friends?" I questioned.

"Yeah how did you know..." he asked confused at how I knew.

"Im physic as well as magical because I've got the cause of death for you." I replied laughing.

"Awesome what've you got?" He asked coming to stand opposite me.

"Well this is Jonathan Ross. He's 37 and he's married with 2 kids. If you look at the wrists, bruising was forming which meant he was tied up, I found a few rope pieces which are here..." I said handing him a clear plastic evidence bag.

"Also there's hardly any hairs on his upper lip, that's if you look closely enough. It's a side effect of duck tape. It happened to me when I was 8, my brother thought it'd be funny to pretend to kidnap me, rope, duck tape everything. Mom freaked out when she found me, he got grounded for 2 months. I guess it's cheaper than getting it waxed." Nick gave me a concerned glance, "and the wound in his stomach."

"Oh right yeah sorry. Umm the gun-shot wound was post-mortem, that's why there's not much blood at your crime scene. Your vic was drowned, not shot. I checked the lungs as well and I've checked underneath the finger nails for epithelials and there's nothing." I beamed at him.

"Cool thanks Izzy. Also what do you know about the devil's trident?" He asked me

"Well it's technically Poseidon's trident, the Greek god of the sea domain but over time it got changed to an item of the Devil. It sucks really to know that something so powerful could be seen as something so depressing. " I mulled

"This is coming from the girl who looks over dead bodies for a living." He chuckled and I just shrugged. He began to walk out the door. "Oh and I know you like Greg." He shouted.

"Huh what do you mean 'I like Greg'?" I shouted back.

"Nothing." He giggled and pranced out the room resembling a 5' 11" fairy. I shook my head smiling slightly at his weirdness.

"You saw that too right?" I asked Al who had just walked in, staring at Nick as he pushed through the morgue doors.

"To be honest that's normal for him. I've seen weirder. " He replied chuckling softly. I checked my phone

*11:30 *

"Time for a coffee break!" I thought to myself.
I asked Al if he wanted anything but he said no so I ran up the steps passing Dave and asked him if he wanted anything. He also said no. I ran into Greg's lab and yelled.

"Oi nerd where are you?" A spiky haired head popped out and I smiled. "Wanna have a coffee break with me?" I asked, he nodded picking up a blue package and I quickly grabbed my notebook from my satchel. I walked back into the break room to find Greg explaining what the blue package was it's apparently an expensive type of coffee so I walked up behind him, stretched out my hand and grabbed it. Putting a teaspoon of this mysterious 'Blue Hawaiian' into a mug as Greg protested and filling it with hot water, milk and sugar. I sipped it. Everyone stared waiting.

"Meh it's good but too expensive to be paying $40 a packet." I shrugged. Sara and Warrick burst out laughing at Greg's face who was in a state of disbelief.

"Sooo what case you working on?" I asked Sara.

"I'm working on this." she showed me the folder and my face paled as I rushed out the room...

* Greg's POV *
We watched as Izzy rushed out of the room slightly paled.

"Was it something I said?" Sara looked around nervously.

"No I think it's something this said." I replied as I pulled the brown folder towards me and scanning the profile. But something stood out. The name. Max Ashmore, 61.

"I'm guessing it was that." I said pointing at the name.

"Greg run and see if Izzy is okay." Sara ordered. "Warrick if you keep looking over the evidence while I scan the name through the system. " They both walked out the room as I hid the Blue Hawaiian and followed after them...

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