6. Bestie Sleepover & First Homocide

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I snuggled underneath of the mountain of blankets that was piled on top of Greg and I. Scattered around us were a ton of crappy foods. Pop tarts, coke and popcorn were just the start. The Lion King's beginning scene began to play and popcorn hit my nose.

"GREGGO STOP IT!" I screamed and farted on him, smiling slyly.

"EWWWW IZZY WHY WOULD YOU FART ON ME?" He shouted back. I giggled and farted again.

"Arghh gross. Stop farting on me!" He yelled, attempting to push me off him.

"NEVER!!" I yelled back. "Then I challenge you to a duel, good sir." He stood up and I tackled him down to the ground. I straddled him and hollered "Surrender!" I saw him start to blush and he replied quickly.

"Yes I do I'm sorry." he pushed me off and sat back down in front of the TV.

"You couldn't handle my awesomeness!" I teased and he laughed.

"No it's too much for me to handle." Then our attention turned back to my favourite Disney movie...

~ Time Skip to Starbucks ~

On our way to work after an uneventful day, Greg and I decided to treat ourselves. We parked up outside of Starbucks and walked in. A waft of hot air hit my face and the aroma of freshly ground coffee filled my sense of smell. I ordered a mocha and Greg ordered a latte. The worker asked with a bored tone

"What are your names?" "Izzy with a y and..." I slyly glanced at Greg "Greggo" she nodded and wrote the names down on the cardboard cups. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the waiting bit. I glanced at my watch and began to fidget.

"Mocha for Izzy and a Latte for Greggo!" A horrified look entered Greg's features and he whispered angrily to me.

"You asked them to put Greggo on him." I took one glance at him and then burst out laughing. I grabbed the cups off the worker and ran out the shop.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU IZZY!" He shouted as he got in the car.

"Hey I am the devils child." I replied putting my hands up.

"Just wait until we get to work..."
20 minutes later, which was basically us head banging to Marilyn Manson, we arrived at work. We made our way into the break room after stopping at the locker room to drop off our stuff.

"Hello Isabelle I was wondering if you wanted to go out into the field today?" Grissom literally popped out of nowhere. I nodded as I pushed my bag into the thin shaped locker.

"Meet Nick in 5 minutes in the break room. He'll tell you what to do from then on." He disappeared again and I made my way to the break room where Sara and Nick were already sitting.

Sara stood up and said. " I'm sorry about last night. I'm a pretty stupid CSI if I didn't realise you were related..." I cut her off halfway and replied.

"It's fine. It's not that big of a deal." I smiled, nodding understandingly as she smiled and nodded and walked out of the room waving to us.

"Well Nicky boy it's just you and me now." I joked and he laughed

"Come on weirdo we better get going. Oh and here's your CSI jacket!" Throwing the material at my face. I caught it and pulled it on as we climbed into the black jeep.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started the car.

"It's a homocide. That's all Griss told me, he said Jim would tell us once we get there." I nodded, taking another sip out of the cardboard cup.

"Why did Greggo look furious when he walked in today?" Nick asked, flicking the indicator and turning into a suburban neighbour hood.

"I told the girl at Starbucks that his name was Greggo and then she called it out." I laughed.

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