Chapter 4

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________________30 minutes later_________________

3rd person pov__________________________________

Oikawa is now dead.  RIP.  They had a funeral and everything.  Jk, Oikawa is not dead just scared of Natsu now.  He hid behind Hinata for the rest of the time she was here.

When Natsu left it was lunch time so Hinata made food.  He made some ramen. (you can tell who's the better cook in this house.)

Hinata's pov____________________________________

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Hinata's pov____________________________________

After we ate Tooru called his parents.  You could tell he was scared for his life.  His mom picked up the phone and asked, "What do you need Tooru?". Tooru answered with, "Sho and I need to tell you something.  Go get dad."

Tooru's mom muted the phone while she got Tooru's dad.  While she did that I asked, "Are you telling them or me?"  Tooru then said, "Ill tell them since you told your parents."

Tooru's mom then injured the phone and asked, "What do you two need to tell us?". Tooru then said, "I'm going to say this once and you aren't allowed to attack me."

Both his parents look confused and then Tooru said, "I got Sho pregnant."  Tooru's mom was the first to say anything after a long silence, "You did what?  Hold on give the phone to shoyo."  

Tooru hands the phone to me and his mom asked, "This isn't one of his pranks or things to get attention right?"  I no replied saying, "No I'm actually pregnant."  Tooru's dad then says, "Congrats you two.". We both replied saying thanks.

Tooru's mom the asked, " Shoyo sweety are ok?  Any morning sickness, cravings, ECT?"  I replied zying, " I've had morning sickness but that's all."  Tooru's mom then says, "ok I hope you two have a great day bye."  We both say bye and Tooru's dad hangs up the phone.

I then said, "That went smoother than expected."  Tooru then said, "Yeah and I'm happy about that."  I then say, "Now we just have to tell our coaches and teams eventually." 

"How about we tell our coaches now," Tooru says.  I agree and we both call our coaches about their relationship and what happened.  Their coaches understand and tell them they do have to tell their teams eventually.  They both agree and try yo think of a time and way to tell their coaches.

We both decides to tell them during one of our practices.  I then made dinner and we eventually fell asleep together.

 _________________The next day__________________

Oikawa's pov___________________________________

I wake up with Sho in my arms. 

 (Pretend that Kageyama is Oikawa I couldn't find a good picture/ I was too lazy to find a good Picture

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 (Pretend that Kageyama is Oikawa I couldn't find a good picture/ I was too lazy to find a good Picture.)

It's 5am right now.  O wake Sho up and then we both took a shower and got dressed.  Sho then goes down to make breakfast while I make sure our book bags and sports bag are ready.  

When I get downstairs Sho asked, " Tooru did you tell Makki I'm pregnant yesterday? "  I replied with, "Yeah he was happy for us.". Sho then said," Ok I'm glad you told him."

I then ask, "Does anyone else know we're dating?"  Sho replied saying, "Not exactly Kiyoko and Yachi just know I'm dating someone."  I then say, "Well that makes sence."

After we both ate I drove Sho to school and told him ill pick him up. ( I need someone like this in my life. I feel so single writing this.)  I gave him a kiss as he got out of the car and then drove to my school.

When I got their Makki was waiting at the school gate and kept asking me questions.  Makki then asked this, "How are you going to tell the team?"  I then replied with, "I'm not sure but I think the coach is planning something."  Makki then asked, "Why?"  

My answer was, "You know how his voice changes when he thinks of a plan to beat the other team or has something terrible for us to do? His voice did that."  Makki then said, "Oh then he's defiantly planning something."  I then say, " I guess I have to wait and see."

During morning practice our coach didn't do anything.  So I went to my first class, math.  It was so boring.


Ok sorry for leaving you for a bit that day when I knew I wasn't going to post I had to go downstate.  This ended up with my younger sister in the er.  She's ok now.  I was just stressed so I got distracted and did a few art projects to ease my stress.  I made the chapter longer to make up for my absence.                               - Kay Chan

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