The New mission

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"Bye Xiaojiao!" Xiaotain said shooting through that air. He had spent way to much time at her palace, the sun was setting. He picked up the speed, "I hope I don't get in trouble for coming back so late.." ....Was that smoke in the distance?


The mountain was in flames. Xiaotain looked around panicked. He could see monkeys and people running around with water trying to put out the growing flames. He shot into the less fire-y part of the mountain. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" He asked one of the towns folk.
"Demon bull kings army attacked without warning."
"Where is monkey king?!"
"In the infirmity, he was badly injured."
Xiaotain summoned a cloud and shot towards the infirmity, accidentally knocking over the poor towns person. He glanced down to see most of the training grounds forest on fire. How could this have happened? All while he was gone.. He couldn't help but feel guilty, if he was there he could have helped at least enough to drive the army out. But if monkey king couldn't do it, how could he? Before Xiaotain realized, he was at the infirmity. He gently pushes the door open and was greeted with the smell of herbs, flowers, medicine, and a strong smell of wine. The infirmity was always peaceful, the walls were made of stone. There were large windows on every wall to lighten the place. Small vines grew on the corners of some windows, flowers and herbs filled baskets. A small trinkle of water slid down the cool stone wall into a small pond surrounded with different flowers and herbs. He wasn't a doctor but he knew that all these herbs and flowers could be used to make medicine. To the left corner was a bed with an IV stand next to it. And to his shock, Monkey king was lying there covered with bandages, blood, bruises, bottles?
"We told him that it wouldn't be a good idea in his state, but he wouldn't listen.." one of the nurses said who was besides Xiaotain.
"Sonnnn, is that youu?" Monkey king slurred.
"How many bottles have you had?!"
"...Oh wow he is drunk.." he sighed.
"Drinking the pain away~" Monkey king smiled weakly.
"I heard that DBK's army attacked...How powerful were they?!"
"Pretty strong, I got everyone to safety"
" oh that's good, so this means war! When you are healed, me and you can fly over there with the staff and beat everyone up!" Xiaotain said excitedly raising his fist in the air.
" That would be fun butttttt, they stole the staff.." he said calmly.
"Oh did you not know that?"
"A kid with red hair and horns had a glove and picked it up."
"Wow the army really is strong...." he muttered.
Xiaotain looked at the floor, anger painted his face. How dare they hurt his father, burn his home, scare his people(and monkeys), and they stole the staff. He clenched his fists, then, he had an idea. He would go to DBK's kingdom and steal back the staff. Yea..he would leave tonight.
"I should be going now" Xiaotain said as he looked up at the nurse.
"Of course, be careful." The nurse said quietly.
"Oh I will." he said with a smirk.
He walked out to see most of the flames have died down, so he decides to help put the rest of the flames out.
~time skip~

Xiaotain didn't know how much time had passed but it was close to midnight. All the flames were put out and it went a lot quicker since he could fly over to water in seconds. He walked back in his room, contemplating if this was a good idea. He took a quick shower and put his binder on, then put a white T shirt with a target and black sweatpants on and tucked his tail in his pants. (yes he has a monkey tail) He put his hair up in a bandanna to keep hair out of his face. He grabbed a grey hoodie and put shoes on. He then grabbed a back pack and started filling it with essentials, water, food, his phone, a charger, a small blanket, bathroom essentials, extra bandannas, money, and a retractable staff. He used the staff before he was allowed to use his fathers staff. He zipped the backpack up and walked towards the window. He opened it and climbed out to crouch down on the window still. He summoned his cloud and glanced to look at his room, maybe for the last time. He sighed, then climbed onto the cloud and shot to the direction of DBK's kingdom. He would get the staff back...

HELLO AGAIN! Check out my new TikTok account!
Anyways thank you for reading!
Word count: 825

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