First impressions

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~Redsons POV~
It's not fair. You would think your parents would go easy on you since you stole the monkey kings "legendary" staff. But apparently not. All my parents have done for me is overwork the hell out of me. Right when I got back with MY army and the staff, they through me in my room to "continue to work" while they took the staff! I needed a break- which is why I am walking around the city. Of course I was disguised, since I don't want peasants to recognize me. I had a dark hoodie on to cover my distinctive red hair and horns. A relieved sigh escaped my month as I sat down on a bench. Not many people were out since it was like 2 in the morning. Although, someone had caught my eye. They were walking down the street with a dark hood up to cover their face, and a backpack on. It was probably a thief or something. I started to get comfortable, then I got a glimpse the their face. Their eyes....THEY WERE USING THE GOLDEN EYES OF TRUTH!! HOLY SHIT IS THAT MONKEY KING?! He seemed to realize someone was staring at him since he looked over. He looked shocked and said something under his breath, and did the most unexpected thing....he started to run. HE WASNT GETTING AWAY FROM I, REDSON, DEMON BULL KINGS SON, AND PRINCE OF FIRE.

~Xiaotains POV~
The city was really pretty at night, the streets were filled with lights. A lot of stuff was open bars, 24 hour stores, and different restaurants. Home was nothing like this, this was new and super cool! I turned on the golden eyes of truth to find the staff easier. I didn't see anything for awhile, but I started to see a palace up ahead. The staff has to be in there! I started walking towards the palace, but it was getting darker. Which was pretty creepy. After awhile of walking I felt like I was being watched. I look over to see someone sitting on the bench. But I couldn't help but notice red hair sticking out of the hoodie they were wearing. I quickly realized who it was, "a kid with red hair and horns" I said under my breath. Then I ran, not wanting to get to know him. "GET BACK HERE" I heard him shout behind me. Oh shit. I looked behind me and he was running after me. I started to run faster, so much for blending in. Little did he know, all the times I came late for training made me pretty fast. If monkey king thought I was going to slow, he would add extra laps. After awhile of running, it was clear that Redson was getting tired. But I forgot that he had fire powers, he blasted towards me. Luckily I dodged.
"I'm not monkey king-"
"Wait wha-"
I pulled of my hood and revealed that I was not a monkey. (I got most of my traits from my mother, which according to dad, was a human.) He looked dumbfounded, which made me laugh.
Shit I cant tell him my real name. JUST SAY SOMETHING RANDOM!
"...Mk..yea my name is Mk!"
"So Mk, who are you to monkey king?" He said while walking towards me.
I started to back up, but hit a wall. "What do you mean?" Maybe he will leave me alone if I act dumb.
"Don't act dumb, I saw you use the golden eyes of truth. You may not look like a monkey, but you are related in some way to him." He said standing in front of me.
Not many people know that Monkey king has a son, which is really helping me right now. But he was on to me. I glanced at the left, I can try to run. As if Redson read my mind, he slammed his arm in the way.
"Don't think about running away again. Answer my question." he was getting to close for comfort. We just stared at each other for awhile. Then I remembered the retractable staff in my pocket.

~Redsons POV~

    Wait, he wasn't monkey king? Then who the hell was he? He heard a snicker- THAT PEASANT THINKS THIS IS FUNNY! I couldn't help but admire his face. He had dimples, his eyes were a pretty shade of amber, and-..wait WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!
Heh nice save. It took a little before he responded with the name...Mk? What kind of name was Mk..? Whatever..
"So Mk, who are you to monkey king?" I started to walk towards him. Totally not because I want to see him closer, but because he might try to run. He started to back up, but he hit a wall......Is he trying to act dumb?
"Don't act dumb, I saw you use the golden eyes of truth. You may not look like a monkey, but you are related in some way to him." He stares at me, he smells like peach blossoms..I noticed that he looked to the left, was he thinking of running? In case he was I quickly slammed my hand in the way.
"Don't think about running away again. Answer my question." I noticed how much prettier he is up close, his olive skin, a little cut going down his cheek, his was mostly brown but, there was ginger streaks here and there...he reached in his pocket. Then he finally answered..

"I'm Monkey kings favorite!"

Before I had time to realize what was happening, Mk pulled out a metal staff and whacked my left arm down. Then he ran, of course I ran too. He wasn't going to get away! I watched as he summoned a cloud and before jumping on to it, looked over at me smirked, then winked.
"See ya later Red boy!"
I watched as he quickly shot up into the air out of site. My hair flamed up, but I didn't know if it was because of anger or the blush spreading across my face..

Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday.
Word count: 1053

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