Opening Day

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Izuku was nervous. He had given up on being a hero. He had studied abroad for a few years going to many different schools and learning many things but cooking really stuck with him. Today was the day, he was opening his own cat cafe. He had his own little apartment above it. He missed kacchan while he was away. He wondered if the spiky blonde remembered him. As he was going to filp the sign to open. The certain blonde in question was about to knock on the glass door. Izuku quickly let him in, "Deku Mom told me you were back and where you were located. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner I just got off patrol. I'm so glad you are back. Also if anyone finds out you are qurikless and gives you a hard time tell them the number one hero has got your back. I'm sure my friends will love you too." Bakugou kinda rambled "Awwwww did kacchan just say he loved me? Also it's totally okay that you didn't come sooner, i would of been covered in sugar and flour. I actually just gat cleaned up." Izuku said smiling. After talking for a little while longer izuku remembered he never opened the shop. As he walked to the door he saw the most beautiful boy standing there with a group of people. He opened the door and flipped the sign to open with a beaming smile he asked the group. "Can I get you guys some tables?" "Actually we were looking for bakubro, His location says he's here he was supposed to meet us thirty minutes ago." "Hey Deku what's taking so long, also can I use your shower I am all sweaty." "Ummm Kacchan I think your friends are here. No, you can't use my shower, my apartment is a mess from moving back to Japan." " You act like I haven't seen your mess before Deku." Bakugou said walking into the room "sup guys this is Deku my first ever best friend from childhood." "Did the one and only kacchan just say we are best friends what is this feeling? I see the light goodbye cruel world." Deku said as he fell to the floor. Bakugou started laughing and so did izuku. "anyways Katsuki Bakugou... your friends here told me that you were supposed to meet them thirty minutes ago." Izuku said crossing his arms and standing in the typical mom pose. "I was but then i found out my husband was back in japan and i had to see my husband." bakugou teased at deku " Kachhan we were like four when we gat married." Izuku said blushing in embrassment. "anyways nerd Theses are my friends. The red-haired one is Ejiro Kirishima. The pink one is Mina Ashido. The one with weird elbows is Hanta Sero. And the last one is Denki Kaminari." "Can i give you guys nicknames please." izuku asked while giving puppy dog eyes. "Of course you can cutie," Denki said while winking. Izuku turned bright red " Okay KIrishima your kiri, Ashido your ash, Sero your beanie also i love your style. Kaminari your kami." Izuku said "also my real name is izuku midoriya." "Your now mido or bean." mina said, " also  would like it if you just called me yours." Denki said. Shinsou walked in and saw midoriya. "Izuku is that really you?" Shinsou said tears coming to his eyes. "Hitoshi" Izuku yelled as he jumped into the purple boys' arms. "Do aizawa and mic know your back? Also, Kaminari were you flirting with my brother? Also izuku don't you have a boyfriend in America?" Shinsou asked. " I did he didnt like the fact that im poly and i wanted more than just him. Like i have too much love for just one person. Also he was cheating on me with some girl like no girl can compare to this,"                                        

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