Opening day final part

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After making the coffee and getting the desserts. He walked out and handed the couple their order. He walked over to the other table, cleared his throat and asked if the group was ready to order. "Why yes we are. Ill have a strawberry latte with espresso and a small pastry you think pairs well with it." Froppy said. "I would recommend the sweet cream pastries with the strawberry dipping sauce." "Ill take a black coffee and whatever the buttermilk pie is." Ingenuium said in a very polite tone. "I'll take a toasted coconut latte with two shots of espresso and two milk chocolate macaroon please." Uravity said. "I'll have a iced green tea with lavender syrup and what is the your favorite food to go with it." Shoto asked with a monotone voice. "I would say either a soup or sandwhich mostly the toasted ham and cheese" Izuku said. "I'll take one of those then with mustard. But I want the mustard on the side." Shoto said and turned back to his group. "I'll have that ready as soon as possible."  Izuku said as he turned around and walked to the back. Right as he was done with the drinks and placed them on a tray. He heard the bell ring above the door. He peaked his head out of the door to the back. "Mistuki are you here to visit or to dine?" Izuku asked the woman as she walked in. "Im here to visit and help." Mistuki answered as she walked to kiss izuku on the cheek. "Well come on into the back." Izuku said as he walked back into the kitchen. Mitsuki soon joined him as he finished plating the food on the tray of drinks. "The couple needs to be checked on to see if they are enjoying the food and if they want to spend time with the cats. Tell them we only have three rn we are working on adopting more as soon as we can." Izuku said to the woman "also if you know anyone looking for a job send them my way." He then walked out of the kitchen to the table containing the four pro-heros. He cleared his throat as he approached all four looking up at him. "The black coffee and buttermilk pie." He said as he placed the food in front of Ingenuium. "A strawberry latte with a shot of espresso and the sweet cream pastries with strawberry, chocolate and Carmel dipping sauce. Sorry for my reach." He said as he reached past Uravity to place the combo in front of the frog hero. "A toasted coconut latte with two espresso shots and the milk chocolate macaroons. I added an extra I figure you could use it." He said as he placed the order in front of the hero. "And finally the green tea with lavender syrup iced with a toasted ham and cheese with mustard on the side." He said placing the food and drink in front of the monotone man. "I hope you enjoy and I will be back to check on you shortly. " izuku said as he backed away from the group. Izuku heard the bell ring again. He turned to find his dad and his dads husband. "Izuku is that really you?" Aizawa asked his voice breaking in the middle. "Dad of course it's me. I'm so sorry I haven't called I've been really busy getting everything into the apartment and the shop." Izuku said as a few tears escaped his eyes. "Thats okay, im just glad your home." Aizawa said voice breaking as he sobbed while he held the greenette. At the end of the day he had seen many pro heros, a few news reporters and a singer. He had made about 300 bucks and at least 50 in tips. He closed up shop and say something stranger across the street.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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