Chapter 3- The Tomb that holds the Living

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Night of Her Death


"Menes! Menes!"

His name echoed as I raced down the hall, blocking out the screams and cries of the servants,

"Menes something is wrong!"

I slammed the wooden doors of my sisters room open to see Menes standing there sword drawn. Sighing with relief I stepped around moving towards him,

"Menes there's p-"

My nose twitched, the copper smell of blood wafting up and I stilled. He stood there silently, as if he hadn't yet felt my presence and my eyes wandered down to where he looked.

The whole world stilled as my eyes slowly widened at what lay before his feet. Who. At who lay before his feet. Staggering back, my heart dropped at the still body of my sister as his crimson coated blade, dripped red on her cheek. My knees threatened to buckle and I gagged,


Stumbling against the wall, eyes wide with terror, I looked up at Menes,

"What have you done?"

Menes stepped away from the woman he was supposed to marry, making his way towards me,

"I've done what destiny foretold me to do."

I couldn't speak, nothing dared to come out of my mouth besides the desperate need to throw up. Eyes glued to the dead body of who I once called sister, did he step closer. If it had been any other time- any other time then I would have been giddy with delight that he was this close to me. But as he reached forward grasping my chin, angling my head up to meet his eyes, all that I could feel was horror,

"Don't tell me you weren't expecting this to happen?"

"Let go of me," I whispered voice cracking, "Let go."

I tried to tear away but his other arm gripped me in place, refusing to release me.

"I killed Nefret Rana, your sister Nefret."

"Shut up!" I spat furiously, trying to pull free and he carried on,

"I killed your mother and father whilst they slumbered peacefully,"


His fingers clenched tighter, and I grit my teeth, tears threatening to spill.

"Zahur lies gutted in the hall and Cairo is skewered outside his chambers."

The roaring noise in the back of my head snapped, flooding my mind with fury crushing everything in it's path. The fear that tethered me in place snapped and my reflexes kicked in.

Twisting my wrist around I grabbed his arm and his bows rose as I yanked him in bringing my clenched fist up, ready to hit.

But it never struck.

My stomach dropped as his sword clanged to the floor, the hand that wielded it now gripped my fist tightly. Lowering our joined hands the corner of his lips tugged up,

"Did you forget Rana? I taught you that."

He tugged me in, our faces inches away and I sneered up at him,

"Well Cairo taught me this," and I jerked my knee up hard.

He staggered back, doubling over from the pain. Breathing heavily I grabbed the dagger by his feet, glancing at my sister's still figure my heart twisted painfully, and I bolted out the door.

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