Chapter 10 - She is Power in its Untouched Form

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The horse nickered in my face again and I pushed its head away irritated.

Getting here was far easier than expected. It was when I remembered that I had never ridden a horse before that the difficult part begun.

A beast coated in velvety night towered over me and I clenched my jaw staring up at it. Nostrils flaring its wild eyes scoured me from head to toe. I stepped closer raising my palms and it jerked back flicking its tail powerfully. Sweat trickled down the back of my neck and I inched forward carefully. Each passing breath felt more fleeting than the last as I came closer to it.

My eyes flit briefly to its back and the stallion stepped forward throwing its head back, as if daring me try.

There were only two ways you could exercise control over a horse. The first one was having a bond forged from the very beginning, but the second. My eyes shifted to the worn bridle lying on the wooden stump, well the second was to use its bridle.

Edges frayed with heavy use I picked it up, clutching the frayed rope tightly in my hand as if it were gold. Shifting the meshk to my side I slid Issam's dagger into the sash around my waist all while keeping my eyes trained to the creature of wind.

It let out a low snort, feral eyes glinting, and the corner of my lips twitched. Tilting my head I stepped closer, the fine grains of hot sand shifted ever so slightly under my feet as I held the bridle out in front.

The dark stallion jerked back, and I froze before tentatively moving forward again. Time was not on my side and I needed to be mounted before Issam came back. Suddenly it let out a sharp snort, slowly moving closer. I stiffened as it lowered its head, pressing its muzzle into my palm.

A smile touched my lips and I reached up stroking its velvety fur slowly. Large unblinking eyes stared at me and I felt its steady heartbeat strong against my palm. Sliding the bridle on with ease I tugged onto the reigns steadily guiding it towards the wooden stump.

"Now stay still," I muttered stepping onto the stump and it snorted in indignation as if my words had offended it.

I breathed out steadying my erratic heartbeat and calmness washed over me. Eyes locked onto the spot I had to get on, I gripped the reigns tighter before pushing off. Swinging my leg over its back I dropped into the saddle harder than expected.

The stallion jerked back with a low snort and I jolted, eyes widening.

I turned at the all too familiar voice only to see the Shaykah standing there. Her black gown spread out behind her, soft swirls of colour danced across the fabric like reaching hands. The runic tattoos creased between her brows as she stepped forward and I tightened my grip onto the reigns, Nadir shifted slightly under my hold.

Each heartbeat echoed in my ears as she stepped forward and I moved my hand to the blade by my side. Her striking white eyes found my own and I clenched my jaw, fingertips skimming the top of his blade, curling around the hilt.

I slid the blade out an inch and the sound made her still. Suddenly she turned, facing the camps of the Bedouin. Folding her leathery hands behind her back I watched her carefully, brows furrowed with my hand steady atop the blade. She tilted her head back, looking up at the midnight sky. Her voice held steady as she spoke,

"When Ra made the horse, he said to the South Wind 'I want to make a creature out of you to honour my saints, to humiliate my enemies, to favour those who are obedient to me'."

Frigid silence crept around us and I slowed my heart, feeling its steady beat encompass me. She turned her head, looking over her shoulder. The creases that lined her face seemed to grow deeper,

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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