Chapter 8 - The Room that Bled Crimson

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"Rana what is it you want to do?"

Faint giggling answered.

Inhaling sharply I opened my eyes. I lay in shallow water. Far in the back the steady drips of water echoed and my fingers twitched in the water. I pushed myself upright, looking around.

A black, empty chamber stood around me. My gaze drifted to my hands under the water. I moved them but there wasn't a single sign of disturbance. Not a ripple marred the surface. No matter how much I moved, the water simply did not stir.

Frowning I stood up, water ran down my legs and I watched as each individual droplet merged with the body, releasing not a ripple.

"Rana give it back it's my turn!"

"La Cairo! I asked first!"

I spun around sharply, the sound of my breathing filling my ears. Where were these echoes coming from?

"Cairo?" I called out into the darkness.

"See that there? That's Thuban, the brightest star of Kemet. If you follow it you'll never get lost."

"I think she's smiling at me- Hello Thuban!"

I snapped around to where the sound came from,


The water sloshed, making no sound as I moved hastily towards the sound, "'Iinaha 'ana Rana- I'm right here!"

I took another small step, voice cracking, "I'm right here."

"The yāsaman have bloomed Rana! Hurry up we need to make crowns out of them, they smell beautiful!"

"Wait for me I'm coming!"

I sucked in a tight breath, these weren't the voices of my family now.

These were memories of then.

Suddenly white cracks tore through the dark chamber and I jolted back as the fractures grew larger, spreading all around the room. Squinting I raised my hand, shielding my eyes from the light spilling inside through the cracks.

Something strange seemed to grab ahold of me and I stepped forward towards the light. Resting my hand against the dark wall, its sorrow and joy bled into me and I climbed out of the darkness.

Light blinded me from all sides and I winced slightly. It faded away revealing a white chamber and I took a step back. The light splash of water answered and I drew my brows confused. Looking down I wiggled my foot and ripples marred the surface of the water.

Suddenly a voice penetrated my thoughts.

"Don't tell me you weren't expecting this to happen?"

I froze, heart stilling in my chest.

"Let go of me," whispered and all too familiar voice, cracking, "Let go!"

"I killed Nefret Rana, your sister Nefret."

"Shut up!"

A tear rolled down my cheek splashing into the water and my chin dipped,

"I killed your mother and father whilst they slumbered peacefully."

Another tear dripped and I watched as the moment it touched the surface of the water did red explode forth.


Raising my head to the sound of cracks I watched as red leak into the white room from them. A strangled sob left my mouth and the walls began to spin, but all I could see-

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