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Fuck it I'm back bitches :/ I give up I can't live without rp

Trigger warning ⚠️ Sickness related death

Kai had been dealing with a deadly sickness since he was young he was able to live longer than the doctors thought, but on one mission Kai's body couldn't take it anymore and he fell during battle and was taken to the hospital, he begged Cole to come with him for comfort but Cole insisted to stay and finish the battle...but sadly Kai passed away before he could even say goodbye.


Kai and Cole adopted a small child but the child had a bad heart condition, one day they went on a mission, their child who is 10 tried calling them on the home phone over and over, but the child felt tired, he laid down on the floor and slowly passed away still holding the phone

I play Kai or Child

Don't think I'm cruel I just like angst I'm sorry

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