Chapter 1: How Did This Happen?

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*Third Person P.O.V.*

Naruto sits on the bridge, crying over the lost of Haku. Sakura understood Naruto's pain but they had to accept the fact that he was dead. Sasuke on the other hand couldn't see how Naruto would still care for him after he nearly killed him.

After a while, Kakashi and the rest left Naruto there. The citizens of the town had left feeling great that they won the battle but felt sorrow for Naruto. As they walked passed Naruto, all of them wished him the best. Tazuna thought he would never see a person like Naruto cry or cry this much. He knew it must of weighed heavy on him. He puts his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Its gonna be all ok lad." He said trying to comfort Naruto. "Just think how my grandson feels after he lost his father. Remember you was the one that taught him to be strong, so you have to also." Naruto slowly sat up as he tried to stop crying. He understood what Tazuna meant.

"You're right old man." He answered. "I have to stop crying. It wont bring him back, either one of them." Naruto walked back towards town with Tazuna. "I have a purpose to get stronger. I won't let what Haku told me go to nothing." 

"That's the spirit Naruto." They met up with Kakashi and the rest of the team at Inari's house. It was just about time for dinner.

In the Kitchen. . .

"Your just in time Naruto." Sasuke said happily. Naruto gave Sasuke a stare. He could tell that Sasuke was forced to be nice to him. It was almost annoying and embarrassing to see this. "What's better is that we're having your favorite. Ramen!!" Naruto had a bit of excitement in his eyes. He knew he couldn't resist his favorite meal.

After he ate a few bowls, he felt like his normal self again. All the sadness washed away for the time.

"Ain't nothing better than some good cooked ramen. Believe it!" Naruto said sounding sleepy. "I think I should head to bed. It been a long day of fighting."

"Sleep well!" everyone said to Naruto as he went off to his room.

12:00 o'clock Midnight. . .

Everyone was sleep by this time. Naruto woke up to a continuous tapping noise coming from his window. He looked at his window but quickly dosed off since he didn't see anything with his tired eyes. He woke up again still hearing it.

"Aww come on!" He whined in annoyance. "I'm trying to sleep here. I have things to do in the morning." The noise stopped for five minutes. Soon, something was back tapping on his window. Naruto decided to see who or what was making that noise at his window.

*Naruto's P.O.V.*

Ughh. . . what is making this sound. It is really annoying. I then open the window to see someone wearing the mask like Haku. How did they get that mask? Matter of fact, who is this person!?

"Who are you!?" I said in a cloud of confusion.  "I know you can't be Haku because he. . .died. . . So unmask yourself now or I'll do it for you!" The figure then takes of their mask. I was sure it would be someone else but it was. . .HAKU!?!? But how!?

"How are you Haku!?" I said with my mind scrambled. This couldn't possibly be Haku, he died hours ago. Couldn't be a ghost? He was physically here. "All of this is messing up my head! Sure you're some phony, a trick, or even someone's genjutsu?"

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