Chapter 1

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Kageyama woke up not with the happy chirping of the birds nor of his alarm bur of his mother's scream, asking for his father to stop hitting her.

He want to run downstairs and do something but he knows that he'll only make things worse if he meddles so although he wants to punch the consciousness out of his father, he stopped himself.

"Why? We were doing just fine without him. Why does he have to comeback?" He thought to himself as he tries to control that anger that wells up within him. If only he could shout it out loud, he would.

His father is a Gold vampire - those who feeds off blood to stay alive. They emit this strange golden light in their eyes when they eat but on normal occurrence, they appear to be as normal human beings. He formed a link with Kageyama's mother, only to treat her like a pest.

"Golds! Freakin'Golds! Thinking that they own everything!" He clench his fist tightly until it paled as he listen to his mother's incoherent sobbing downstairs.

His father left him and his mom when he was newly born but on his second year in middle school, he came back.

Volleyball became his only escape, it helped him forget what's happening at home so he decided that he will become the best volleyball player so that he can take his mom away from his scumbag of a father.

This ambition made him short-tempered and narrow minded. The determination and the desperation on becoming the best made his relationship with the people around him be broken to pieces. He was labeled as the King of the Court by the people who he was once his friends. The title that brings him sorrow.

"if only he didn't come back, none of this would've happened." He mumbled.

He grew a stereotypical view of the gold vampires. On a very young age, seeing his own father treat his link - the person he swore to spend the rest of his life with - will make you think of his kind to be the same.

That's when he swore to never form a link his entire life.

He clenched his fist as the cold water from his shower hit his body. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind.

"That bastard must've already left" He mumbled when he went out of the bath and noticed that his mother is already quiet.

"Wake up Tsukishima Kei or you'll be late for school! Act like a grown up will you?! You're already a highschool student!" Tsukishima's mother said as she woke her son up.

Golden lashes trembled as a pair of golden eyebrows scrunched. A pair of eyes slowly opened and a pair of golden brown eyes looked at the woman standing before him and then he smiled.

"Morning Mom. Why such a nag so early in the morning?" He said as he slowly sit up.

"This boy" The woman huffed before turning to face the door.

"Go shower and come downstairs for breakfast. A fresh blood arrived yesterday" She said before leaving the room.

Tsukishima let the water freely touch his pale skin as his mind wander towards the memory he always wanted to forget.

Tsukishima Kei and his older brother Tsukishima Akiteru are very close for Akiteru dotes on his younger brother a lot and Kei looks up to his brother.

He was in middle then, their class ended earlier than usual so he decided to just go home. Upon entering the house, he heard a person's pained voice. The young Tsukishima with his curiosity reigning, followed the voice and it led him towards his brother's bedroom.

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