Chapter one: The problem

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Let's go back," said Sam. "One second. The queen told us to check the west." Jessie leapt over a snow mound and gasped. "Sam?" she yelled "look at this." "What do you-...woah." The ice had cracked in long rows. Water showed through the seven-foot-wide cracks. Jessie stepped closer and slipped onto the ice. She landed on an ice chunk, and Sam and Miranda followed. "Jessie! Send a message to the queen" Yelled Sam. Jessie grabbed a paper bird from her magic bag. She showered it in magic from her wand and released it into the air. "The only way out is the spring land." sighed Sam. "You ever been out of the winter land, I have not." "No. Could be worse. Could be worse. Could be-" "Summer" they said together. Everyone knew that summer and winter had been at war for years. Spring was stuck in the middle. Fall had disappeared and faded away long ago. They drifted for hours until they came across a tree. Sam had rigged up a grappling hook/ pully system, and she flung it up the tree. As they climbed up the small hill Sam said, "oh no" "what"? asked Jessie. "We are stuck. We'll have to go through spring. At least they might know why all the ice is melting." "But we must go through the forbidden stream," said Jessie. Miranda did not say anything. She never did. No one even knew where she had come from. She had just appeared. After a while they came to a very fast-moving river. There were chunks of ice floating in the river. "let's jump across on the ice" said Sam. Slowly they inched across. As Jessie leapt over the last chunk of ice, Sam slipped! Jessie tried to grab her arm but could not reach, and Sam fell into the Forbidden Stream "SAM!" Jessie cried. "Hi" said a voice behind her." Who are you?" "I'm Jessie and this is Miranda." "I am Wendy. You are not from the spring land, are you?" said Wendy. "Nope. We are from the winter land" "Come on. I need to introduce you to the queen's witch." As Wendy led them to the spring castle Jessie started to shiver at the thought of the punishment for wandering into the spring land. Jessie, Miranda, and the mysterious Wendy went to see the Spring queen's witch "hello Darling" Said the elderly woman's raspy voice "Welcome to my burrow, please do sit down," said the elderly woman "So you're not from here are yo-" "Can we please stop this YoU'rE nOt FrOm HeRe ArE yoU PLEASE CUT TO THE CHASE!" Said Jessie "HEY DON'T INSUL-" "WENDY NO BEING RUDE TO GUESTS!" said the elderly woman "sorry grandma..." said Wendy "SOOO am I not in trouble... Or am I in trouble you are confusing me," said Jessie. "Of Couse you're not in trouble dear," said the elderly woman "you are in alliance with us we have no reason to get you in trouble" "THANK GOODNESS!" yelled Jessie "Hey be quiet grandma is about to make a prediction!" as Jessie looked at the elderly woman, she gasped as she saw her eyes roll to the top of her head until only a white pupil was left. The elderly woman was about to start talking when Jessie had a feeling of unease, she looked around the room to find Miranda was making weird gestures with her hands. By the time she clued in the vision was over Wendy seemed shocked and had the weirdest expression on her face, it was funny. Jessie burst out laughing "OH MY GOODNESS HAHAHAHAH" Jessie could not contain herself. Wendy came out of her trance and at once smacked Jessie on the head. "OWWWWW" whined Jessie "REALY?" "Well, you deserved it!" said Wendy "Now, now girls no hitting that brings violence to our land and we do not like violence!" Said the old lady "And Wendy Flowers, I thought I raised you better than this!" "WELL, YOU NEVER RAISED ME UNTIL I WAS SEVEN, YOU'RE JUST AN ADOPTIVE PARENT!" Wendy covered her mouth in shame as she saw a single tear come out of the elderly woman's spiraling green eyes and by the time that single tear dropped Wendy had run out the door. And Jessie went and asked the elderly woman what Wendy meant. "Oh, when Wendy was seven her parents died trying to explore the fall land" she explained. "Let me try something," said Jessie, waiving her wand. "No." said the old woman. "You will never find her with that spell. Here, use this" Jessie preformed the spell as the woman watched. A vinus fly trap popped up in front of Jessie and Wendy popped out. "Great you learned the spell, now let's go!" Said Wendy.  

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