Chapter two: The Vision and The Crystal

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As they walked down the street Jessie asked, "so what was the vision?" Wendy shifted uncomfortably. "Umm well, she said 'find the answer in crystal stone. You can't read the message all on your own. Be wary of trouble, one of you will find home.'" At the last bit Miranda looked interested. "Oh!" exclaimed Jessie "I have a crystal" She pulled it from her pocket and gasped. Before it had just been blue, but now one side glowed pink, one glowed orange and one glowed yellow. The other said 'the danger' "What are you looking at" asked Wendy "Wendy can you see writing here?" asked Jessie. "No, it just glows blue," said Wendy. "That must be what it means" exclaimed Jessie. "We need someone from each land to read one side!" She showed the pink side to Wendy and asked what it said. "It says 'is'" said Wendy, excitedly. Then her face fell. "We half to get a Summer to read a side. I'd be fine but...don't Winter and Summer hate each other?" "I guess we must try" They had snuck past the border to the Summer Land, when suddenly someone grabbed Jessie and shouted "WHO ARE YOU? WHY IS A WINTER IN SUMMER LAND? ARE YOU A SPY? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT US?" "Why are you asking so many questions? How is your sister? And where did you get that dress?" Answered Wendy. "Wendy! What are you doing with a winter?" They quickly explained. "Now," said Jessie "what's your name, and what do you see?" "My name is Sandy, and I see the word 'climate'" Answered Sandy. "Wow, it is super late. Follow me, I have a tent and a place to sleep." Later as they lay in the tent, Jessie heard Sandy whisper "I think there was another part to the prophecy that Wendy is not telling us." Sure

enough, when everyone else was asleep Jessie felt Wendy grab something from her pocket. "Hey, what are you doing" asked Jessie. "Uh umm nothing" replied Wendy "hey that's my stone give it back!" cried Jessie. Wendy dropped the stone and scoffed as she walked back to her tent. The next day Jessie went up to sandy and told her the weird adventure of last night and sandy looked stunned. "WHAT?! I would have never thought Wendy would try to take a very key clue to find out this problem!!" "I know! I was so confused she told us only half of the vision and not the whole thing. She is hiding something!" "Like what?" Said Sandy "Something to do with the ston-" "Hey guys what's up? Ready for our journey today?" Jessie copied the actions of Wendy last night by scoffing and walking away and Sandy followed Jessie after she Glared at Wendy. "Ok, listen" said Wendy "I... I heard you talking. It is true. The other half of the fortune is that one of the people in our growing travelling group travels HUMAN WORLD!" Wendy exclaimed both Sandy and Jessie gasped as loud as they could and coughed shortly after for inhaling too much air. "THE HUMAN WORLD ARE YOU CRAZY?! IS THAT WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO DO WITH MY STONE LAST NIGHT!?!? AND IF ANYONES GOING ITS ME!" Yelled Jessie "No I'm not crazy, yes that's what I was trying to do with your stone and no you are not going to the human world, you used a powerful spell and although no one told you the expectation of this spell is seeing my location NOT bringing me to you! You are special Jessie!" Said Wendy. "W-wh-wha-what?!" Jessie said nervously and it took Jessie a while to turn and see Sandys expression. Sandy was in so much shock she was barely able to say. "w-what s-sp-spell..." "Esparo!" said Wendy "il prove it to you Jessie I'm going to run away deep in the forest over there and you do the spell ok?!" said Wendy Jessie nodded her head in approval "ESPARO" Jessie said confidently and they saw a small vinus fly trap come out of the ground to reveal Wendy. "Oh-oh my goshy gosh!" squealed Sandy "You need to try my summer spell!" "Ok then," said Jessie "The spell is called 'NAHORA' can you say that with your wand out?" said Sandy "ok then" said Jessie "NAHORA!" and all the sand on the ground came up into the air and formed a strong, unbreakable shield of sand the size of a giant dome. "Oh my gosh wow that spell is only supposed to make a small but strong-Ish shield for your hand to hold!" exclaimed Sandy. "Well, I don't care if I'm special or not, the worlds are in danger, and all we must do now is go to the Fall Land." The girls nodded and began the long walk to the Fall Land.  

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