Chapter four: The challenge with Wendy (Final)

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Jessie awoke in her sleeping bag by a noise outside the tent. She checked her pocket, and the stone was gone. She ran outside and saw Wendy doing some sort of ritual. Jessie realized Wendy was using THE STONE Jessie ran up and took it forcefully from Wendy. She expected an apology, but Wendy looked angry. Wendy took out her own stone and summoned some sort of spring spirit and to that Jessie took on that form with the winter crown once again and took out her own stone and they started to battle. Something strange happened the spring spirit left Wendys side and then came to hers and merged with her winter form and had vines around her arms and had a flower attached to her icy crown. Wendy just stared half mad half mesmerized Sam came in and looked at Jessie then at Wendy and simply walked away. Wendy and Jessie just stood there for a solid two minutes confused about what had just happened. Sandy showed up and joined Wendy apologizing to Jessie for this and pulled out her stone and summoned the summer spirit which also flew to Jessie and merged with her current form adding a sand halo on top of her crown. Then Autumn showed up and at once took Sandy and Wendy's side and with her stone summoned the fall spirit, and once again it floated beside her, and merged which added a golden leaf to her halo of sand. When she was distracted, Wendy grasped the stone and teleported through it "NOOOOOOO WENDY!" Jessie cried. But she was already gone. Jessie sobbed so much that Sam was the only one brave enough to walk up to her. "What DO you WAN-" Before she could finish her sentence, Sam put her lips on Jessies and kissed her. Jessies body went from tense to relaxed and she kissed Sam back. A big golden light appeared, and Jessie's outfit became four different beautiful colors, Orange, Yellow, Blue and Green. A crowd came rushing to Jessie and bowed and thanked her, Jessie was confused until she saw that all the land was repaired! She kissed Sam one more time and then realized that this was her life's book and she just had to wait for the next chapter. 

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