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June 3rd Metropolis High 12:30

It was lunch time and there were students buzzing around the halls making noise but the loudest place by far on the campus was the canteen. There were students dotted all around the room with hundreds of conversations going on covering a whole base of topics but there was one table that seemed to be really enjoying themselves laughing at one of their friends mishaps earlier that day.

"I can't believe you had your skateboard taken off you again" Conor laughed

"It happens" Tim sighed

"It happens to you an awful lot, what happened today again?" Cassie asked

"Nothing special" Tim replied

"Timothy if only that were true, I do believe you were being an idiot" Steph stated

"Just because I was trying to prove a point and fell dow some stairs and knocked into a few people doesn't mean I am an idiot" Tim said

"Babe it does, sorry" Bernard said rubbing his shoulder

"Moving on swiftly, where's Megan?" Cassie asked

"I dunno, she said something about a meeting with Mr.Rathaway" Conor replied

"So you do know" Tim said

"I guess so" Conor replied

"So anyway, Tim, Cass, Harper and I were all planning on going to the Pride Parade in Metropolis on the 24th, do you guys want to join in?" Bernard asked

"A day out with my favourite couples that remind me how lonely I actually am...hell yeah" Steph exclaimed

"Are you okay?" Tim asked in a serious manner

"I'm just messing with you Tim" Steph stated

"Drake, a word in private" Damian said sneaking up behind the group

"Sure" Tim replied leaving with Damian

"Damian is still alive, wouldn't have guessed haven't seen or heard from in a week" Steph said to herself

Tim and Damian left the canteen and went to the gymnasium because it was out of bounds during lunch so no equipment would be broken.

"What's up?" Tim asked

"Just because I am coming to you doesn't make us friends okay, I just want to get that out there" Damian said

"Wouldn't dream of it" Tim replied

" can no, how do you know when you like someone?" Damian asked

"Is the emotionless demon beginning to feel?" Tim questioned jokingly

"Drake!" Damian exclaimed

"Sorry I had too, but seriously you have a crush" Tim stated

"More or less" Damian said

"Why me, and not like Dick?" Tim asked

"Because you are the only one that won't make a big deal out of it" Damian replied

"Okay, first off your in high school relationships aren't supposed to be the most serious" Tim said

"I know but still, as you said me in a relationship I need this to work" Damian exclaimed

"Why are you so worried, this doesn't seem like you" Tim stated

"I don't want to lose them, I need to know what love feels like so I can differentiate between really liking and love. I feel like holding him back from everything since I'm not ready to tell the world or move forward" Damian exclaimed

"I thought it was a girl" Tim sighed to himself

"If it was a girl I would have gone to Grayson over you as annoying as that would be, he has a long list and you have Steph" Damian replied

"You two know the gym is out of bounds during break" Kate said entering the gym

"Sorry Miss Kane, won't happen again" Tim said

"Tim we are in private you can call me Kate, I am still your aunt" Kate stated

"I know" Tim laughed

"So you two together is a weird combination so what's going on" Kate asked

"Nothing" Tim said

"Nothing, I'm just getting brotherly advise from Drake" Damian said

"Since your just talking, you can stay but don't touch anything" Kate said leaving

"Damian from what your saying I can tell you like this mysterious guy who I hope I get to meet soon, you are just afraid he doesn't like you back. You're afraid that he doesn't like you as much as you do him and that he will leave because you are not ready to move forward so I would say you are better off talking with him rather than me" Tim stated

"I guess you're right, now goodbye" Damian said jumping up and leaving

Meanwhile out on the pitches some of the football team were out kicking and throwing the ball around to waste time on their break.

"I hate how the season is done, we have nothing to do now" Gar sighed throwing the ball

"It will be back next year, so stop whining" Billy replied

"It's all he knows how to do" Zack laughed

"Guys leave him alone, you know teasing only makes him worse" Jon joked

"I hate all of you" Gar stated

"Lighten up" Wally said arriving with Bart

"He can't do that, it's too advanced for him" Billy stated

"Hey boys" Athanasia exclaimed interrupting with Damian and Lexi either side of her

"To what do we owe the pleasure?" Billy asked

"We are throwing a little farewell sophomore year party this weekend, so sorry Bart you can't come since you're a senior" Lexi smirked

"Aww really, actually I don't really care" Bart stated

"Anyway it's in the abandoned farmhouse in the mountains, this Saturday" Athanasia stated

"Most of you are invited for now, do anything we deem annoying or stupid before then and you'll be removed from the guest list" Lexi followed

"This doesn't sound like a smart idea" Zack stated

"Really, I'm planning all the logistics and as the second smartest person in this school by a hairline I disagree Zackary" Damian barked

"You can count me in, we will partay all night long" Gar exclaimed

"I guess I could think about it" Billy said laughing at Gar

"Good now spread the word, and sophomores only" Athanasia smirked

"Bye" Jon said looking at Damian who had looked at everyone but him the whole time

Damian looked at Jon just before he turned to leave and gave him a short and quick smile before following his sister back towards the school. The footballers went back to throwing the ball around and talking before classes started back up again.

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