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June 11th Wayne Manor 17:45

Bruce and Clark had ran into each other earlier in the day at a Wayne Press event and Bruce ended up inviting the Kent's over for dinner as well as Talia. Clark pulled up outside the Manor and the Kents got out of the car and walked up to the door and it opened just before they knocked.

"Welcome, it's been too long" Alfred greeted

"It's good to see you Al" Clark said

"Do come in the family are mostly in the living room" Alfred replied showing them in

"Clark, Lois it's wonderful to see you again" Selina greeted standing up

"Welcome" Bruce said

"It's good to be here" Lois stated

"Hey?" Tim questioned walking in

"I invited them over for dinner, burying the hatchet so to say" Bruce replied

"Or taking one to the back of my head" Damian exclaimed

"Don't ruin a fun evening because I won't give your keys back" Bruce replied

"Tt, fine. Kents it is good to see you" Damian greeted

"Why don't you kids go hang out and let the grown ups talk" Selina said

"Kyle we aren't children no need to talk to us like we are" Damian said leaving

"What's got him in a mood?" Bruce asked Athanasia

"Don't know, don't care but his bad mood makes for good family time" Athanasia smirked

They left their parents alone in the living room and all headed off in their groups, Lara went with Helena and Athanasia upstairs, Tim and Conor went to the games room and Damian lead Jon out to the walled gardens.

"It's nice out here" Jon exclaimed

"Did your parents tell my Father" Damian snapped

"I dunno but calm down" Jon said

"Sorry" Damian sighed collapsing on a bench

"I don't get why you are so worried, it's weird since like your Dad is so accepting of Tim and Cass" Jon reassured

"It's not so much him I'm worried about, my Father and I don't see eye to eye on many things but I know he cares in his own funny way, but as soon as he knows my Mother and Grandfather will" Damian exclaimed

"Dames, you know what my favourite part about you is?" Jon asked

"What?" Damian asked confused

"What's my favourite thing about you?" Jon asked again

"My brain, my looks my personality" Damian replied

"No, how strong you are. How you don't usually care what others think and do your own thing. This shouldn't worry you, so what if your Grandfather and Mother think because I am right here for you no matter what" Jon stated

"When did you get so wise, or is this one of those once in a lifetime things" Damian joked

"I'm trying to be nice" Jon said

"I'm sorry" Damian said kissing him

"Your cold" Jon shivered

"Perfect response to a kiss" Damian said laughing at him

"No seriously you feel frozen" Jon exclaimed

"We are outside and it's kind of cold" Damian said in a duh tone

"Put this on" Jon said taking of his letterman jacket

"No" Damian said

"Please, I don't want you freezing up" Jon said

"If it makes you happy" Damian said giving in before leaning his head on Jon's shoulder

They sat outside for a bit before heading back towards the Manor, Damian gave Jon his jacket back and they joined their family at the dinner table. They ate and talked catching up and rebuilding their families relationship before the Kents left, before they did Jon left Damian with his jacket which Damian put in his room. Before Bruce summoned him to his study.

"Yeah?" Damian asked jumping on the chair

"Here" Bruce said throwing and item at him

"Thanks, I promise I won't speed again" Damian replied pocketing the keys

"I hope not, so how is everything" Bruce asked

"Fine" Damian replied

"Anything up, your Mother said you had a change of heart about coming to work with me after we get back from vacation" Bruce said

"Yeah I'm not really interested in corporate business or technological advancement anymore, I think I'm going to start working where I'm interested if I can" Damian stated

"Which is?" Bruce asked

"With animals, they are much better company than humans don't you agree" Damian replied

"Well then I'll let you go, also Clark told me you were at there's the other day and it was your pleasant display that made them rethink their decision. Go on get to bed or go with your Mother I don't mind" Bruce said

Damian was afraid that Bruce was told but he hadn't, or was playing like he didn't know and he was now considering saying something but was beginning to panic as well.

"Is there something else?, Damian are you okay?" Bruce asked sitting beside him

"I, I am...no I need to tell you something" Damian replied

"What?" Bruce asked

"You can't tell Mother" Damian exclaimed

"Yes of course, what's going on?" Bruce asked getting concerned

"I...I don't want this to change our relationship" Damian replied

"Son nothing would ever change how much I love and care for you, unless you have murdered someone" Bruce joked

"I'm...I don't know what I am, I'm so confused about everything and whenever I think about it and telling you it mother I get nervous and panicky but I just wanted you to know...that I'm, I'm dating Jonathan" Damian exclaimed the panic tone coming through in his voice

"Damian, you do know who and what you are, you are Damian Wayne my son and I don't care wether your gay, straight, bi or anything in between as long as you are happy I am happy" Bruce said reassuring him

"Can you please not tell Mother" Damian begged

"Damian I won't tell anyone unless you want me to, this is your life and yours to share" Bruce said

"Thank you, I'm going to bed now" Damian replied standing

"One more thing"

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