First day of school

168 6 16

Dont expect any fluff or smut...

Just ships here! 😁

Also, Im very sorry for being inactive, I have little motivation

And.. This is Middle school- But im confusing myself
But basicially Canada is supposed to be in 9th grade (Highschool)
But he started school late so now he's in 8th grade (Or year for the brits)

Heh sorry-


I get off my bus and head into the school with Kiwi and Aussie.
We find the office somehow and knock on the door. Well actually, the office is right by the front door. Anywaysss, one of the secretaries open the door. "Are you the new students?" She says, probably in her mid 50's. "Yeah, we're here for our schedules?" I say, as Kiwi and Aussia looks around the school.

The secretary guides us in, and into the principal's office. "Hello! Yoou guys must be the new students! Pleased to meet you. I have 3 papers. Take the one with your name on it. That will be your schedule unless there is any changes," the principal says. "The secretary will give you a tour around the school. Unless you want a student to."

"I'd like a student to, sir!" I reply.

"Alright. Have a good day," he says.

"You too!"

We all walk out and a student comes up to us. "Hello! I'm Ukraine and I will be you tourguide. If you have any questions, let me know! :)"
We nod and follow him.

~After the tour bc laziness~

"Alright, Go find your classes!" Ukraine says.

I walk my little siblings to their classes and then I find mine. I enter and look around, holding my backpack on one of my shoulders.
"Ah, you must be the new student. You can call me Mr. Jay, Or Mr. J.E. Introduce yourself please," He says

"Uhh... Alright... My name Is Canada... I like play Ice Hockey and I came here from England," I say nervously, looking at the class.
I walk over to an empty seat and put ny backpack down. My first class is math, and I'm pretty good at math if I do say so myself.

"Johnny has 10 apples. He has 5 friends to share with. They each cut every apple into two halves and pass them out equally. How many slices does everyone get?" Mr. Jay asks.

I raise my hand.


"Uhm.. four.. Also, isn't this 3rd grade stuff..?" I reply.


"Don't patrionize me," I announce.

~During 5th period~

I enter the room. Same 'ol same 'ol thing as the other periods. I introduce myself, and sit down in an empty seat.

But this time, Ukraine also has this class.
Ukraine's kinda cute,
I think to myself.
OMG, I just met him a few hours ago! I think I'm finally going insane!

Ukraine, who is sitting right next to me, asks me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking," I reply.

He nods once, smiles, and then looks back at the teacher.

America's POV

Flower Crown Boy {CanaKraine} [HIGHSCHOOL AU]Where stories live. Discover now