Out of the Hospital (ANOTHER FILLER)

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Hi. Another filler. Ik. The next chapter will be longer, I promise-

I just want to keep this story updated and active for you guys
      since this is a good ship and you guys like my story

I really appreciate all the support

And  I really need more ideas if you can.

Thankss! Enjoyy!!


Canada's POV

       After around 2-3 days in the hospital, I was let out. I wasn't beat up so badly, but it was painful. And in Ukraine's eyes.. I was severely injured.

        He visited me when I got to the hospital, and he was so adorable, and he looked so-

I snap back to reality. No Canada!- This isn't you! Stop it.

I sigh as I get picked up from the hospital and get driven home.

~At home~

I open the front door, and walk in. It seems everyone is in their room except mom and dad. Dad is behind me, locking the door and mom is standing there waiting for me.

"Canada!" She says, hurrying to me and hugging me. "How are you feeling? Are you alright? Do you want anything??" She says in a worried tone.

      "I'm fine mom," I say, hugging back. "I dont need anything, thanks though," I add as we let go of eachother.

"I'm gonna go to my room, Ok?" I announce.

France nods. I head up to my room and plop on the bed. I pick up my phone, to see a call from Ukraine.

I pick up.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Privyet Canada, I heard you were going home today. Are you back?" He asks, enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I just got home."

"That's great! Do you think we can hangout soon?"

"Uhmm.. I'm not so sure since it's a school night and it's starting to get dark," I explain as I check the time and look outside.

"But if your dad is okay with it, then yeah, sure"

"Okay! Text me your address and I'll be on my way, bye!"

"Bye!" I smile, hanging up and texting him as he said to do. Butterflies start to flutter in my stomach.

Why am I feeling this way? Ukraine is just a friend..



Just a friend.


I go downstairs, expecting Ukraine to arrive soon.

(Okay, listen, hear me out- I know this is like high/middle school au and Ukraine is like 14 and can drive, so let's say Soviet forces him to learn at an early age, Yes? Ok.)

I hear a beep as a car pulls in. It's Ukraine's I rush to the door, unlocking it and opening it before Ukraine can even knock.

He steps inside, not seeing my house before. "Hi Ukie," I greet, hugging him.

"Hi Canada" he replies, hugging back.

"So, welcome to my home, I guess," I introduce. "Oh and mom, this is my friend, Ukraine. I met him at school this year."

"Hm. Welcome then, Ukraine, make yourself at home," France smiles, assuring Ukraine he is welcome and approved by his mother.

Dad on the other hand, doesn't like having guests over he hasn't met or talked to. We go straight up into my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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