.: Chapter 6-Time to get to work:.

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"And Vhy am I getting wrapped into zis?"

Disco and Kaiser were sitting down at one of the tables in the WVBA's Cafeteria. It was very much bustling today, plenty of people sat around, munching away at food. Disco usually never sat next to Kaiser, unless he REALLY needed something from him, which just happened to be the case here. "Because I need your help..." Disco admitted, "This whole thing is crazy I know, b-but there is so much more I NEED to know...and knowing I have a brother out there-", "As opposed to zhe many you have here?" Kaiser asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Disco gave him a disapproving look in response. "That's not the same, and you know it"

"Don't you zhink you might be in over your head? I mean, come on! Vhat else could you gain from knowing zhis and ruining your relationship vith your family?" Kaiser asked in a serious tone, his brows furrowed into a glare. Disco shook his head, "You know what? Fuck it, forget I asked" he said, grabbing his bag and getting up from the table, "I'll go find him myself"

Kaiser scoffed. Watching a 20 year old get huffy because someone told him 'No'. Pathetic....but then again, Lansing is big, and Michigan is bigger, and to be fair Disco wasn't always the sharpest knife in the box, even on his best days. Plus, he didn't have anything better to do...

"...scheiß willen" Kaiser grumbled. Against his better judgement he shot up from the table and grabbed his own bag. Disco look at him with confused eyes. "Listen, if you really expect to find him all on your own zhen...vell..." Kaiser went to say something smart, but got lost, eventually shaking his head in annoyance, "...Point is, I'm coming vith you" he finally got out. "Aww...really?" Disco asked, a smile appearing on his face.

"Uh, Ja? Besides if you are going to act like a baby zhen you are clearly not in any condition to go by yourself"

"Uh...yeah I guess, heh...whoops"

Kaiser gave a small smirk before he dragged Disco Kid along to the Cafeteria doors. "If ve are going to do zhis, ve must not let anyvone know. Got it?" He explained, Disco chuckled, "Well Obviously I ain't gonna let them kno-", "Good...ok...Now zhe problem comes vith trying to locate zhe boy..." Kaiser interjected.

"Well we could just ask someone here," Disco suggested, "Ah yes, and who exactly vould you ask?" Kaiser asked. Disco went to speak but held his tongue at the realisation. "Exactly" Kaiser said bluntly.

"Exactly what?"

Both men turned to see Hondo making their way towards them. "HONDO! I...i-it's um..." Kaiser fumbled with an answer before Disco pushed past and leaned in closer to Hondo, "We're trying to figure out if anyone would know where Kid Quick lived in Michigan" he whispered. Hondo cocked an eyebrow in confusion, he figured this sort of behaviour from Disco...but Kaiser?? What would he want with Quickie's address? "May I ask, why?" Hondo asked. Both Kaiser and Disco shared a look between each other before Disco gave a shrug. Kaiser sighed. Disco motioned for Hondo to lean in closer. Hondo did so and stood cold faced as Disco whispered into his ear.

"NANI!?" He exclaimed, catching the attention of the people passing by. Disco motioned for him to shush. Hondo gave an embarrassed chuckle, and waved the curious eyes away as he began to whisper to the pair. "You are his son?" he asked. Disco nodded.

Hondo looked at Kaiser, "And this is true?" he asked. Kaiser also nodded. Hondo grabbed his head and looked at the floor. "Bikkuri..." he mumbled to himself, before looking up at the two again. "So what are you going to do about this?" he asked, Disco leaned in close, "Well we can't do much about dad but I'm hoping by going to Michigan we might find my brother there and I can catch up on everything that I missed out on...bring him back here...where he needs to be", "Well that is honourable but...where will you go? Michigan is a very big place...and all those lakes..." Hondo stated, trailing off as he pondered about the many lakes in Michigan. Kaiser glanced at Disco. "So...vhat's your plan?" he asked bluntly.

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