.:Chapter 9 - Disco learns the Truth:.

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WARNING: This Chapter mentions Drug Usage and Suicide



"Disco, for zhe love of GOTT can you CHANGE ZHE SONG!?" Kaiser pleaded, "Yes please, this genre is not my cup of tea normally, but listening to it ON REPEAT is becoming incredibly irritating" Hondo added. Disco music was never uncommon in the WVBA, and they could tolerate it normally, but normally it wasn't blasted in a car ride for 9 hours. It was almost 4 am and the four men were beginning to grow tired and ABBA's Dancing Queen was not exactly helping. They just thanked god Hugger hadn't fallen asleep at the wheel.

Disco would be lying if he said he wasn't close to passing out himself, but the desperate urge to find his family kept him awake. It was taxing on him. His face was practically drooping, all tired and worn out. He wanted this over with as much as the others, but he had to stay awake. Even with the insistence of his peers, urging him to rest, Disco ignored it and kept happily jamming along to the songs playing. Joking around seemed to be the only thing keeping him awake and sane at the moment.

Meanwhile, Kaiser and Hondo were jammed in the backseat. Though Hondo could tolerate the noise (sharing a room with the Major Circuit would build you up for that), Kaiser was growing irritated. The trip wasn't all that pleasant, to begin with, especially with how it started, but now it was becoming annoying. He was crammed up in the backseat, tired, and sweaty, his mouth was dry and his head was pounding. He was about to lose it.

"Hey, you had the option of coming in the front '' Disco said, "You could've been the DJ, but nope, ya wanted to sit in the back so jokes on yooouuu ~" he teased in a singsong voice. Kaiser and Hondo both groaned in unison while Hugger let out a chuckle, "Don't worry, won't be long now"

"Yes, zhat's vhat you said 4 HOURS AGO!" Kaiser yelled, clearly at wit's end. "I SWEAR VONCE ZHIS IS OVER I AM NEVER EVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN, DEVON! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Ok bro, chill, it's just a song!" Disco said, Kaiser grabbed his hair in frustration, "NEIN NOT ZHE SONG YOU DUMKOPF, ZHIS TRIP HAS BEEN NOZHING BUT AGONIZING! I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY GOT TRICKED INTO HELPING YOU!!"

"What do you mean tricked? You WANTED to come along! I was perfectly fine going at it myself!"


"...So then why are you complaining about coming?" Hondo asked. Suddenly the music stopped and all eyes were looking at Kaiser. Kaiser felt himself freeze as he tried to mumble up an excuse. Nothing came out. He realized in his anger he forgot that he had offered his own services to the boy. Out of fear. Out of concern. Like any good man with a brain and decent morals would do. In his tired fit, he seemed to neglect that notion. The man simply wrung his fingers and looked down at the floor. He sighed, "I don't know, I'm tired, it's been a very long trip...I'm sorry," he said.

"Zhis situation isn't fair to a lot of us, but it's certainly not fair to you..." he explained, "...And I vant to help...but zhe more I am zhinking about it, zhe more I zhink zhis is a bad idea...zhe guys don't know vhere ve are, ve didn't let zhem know...and JOSEPH! He'll be furious about zhis! And I-

"Hey! Hey...it's gonna be ok," Disco said, nudging Kaiser's knee with his elbow, "Look, after this, I'll shout you a coffee! I heard about a really nice cafe back home! The Barista there is really good...we can forget ALL about this...and the guys...they'll never have to know...I promise!"

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