Chapter three

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After the cop locked Dixon up, almost everyone went down to this big whole and were talking about going down it. I was honestly getting bored of the conversation and that fact that the Asian guy didn't want anyone to go with him. "You guys are taking to long," I said as i was already going down the sewer. "What are you doing?" The guy was saying above me. "What your not." I said before going down. I waited at the bottom for someone to come down and when they did it was the cop and of course the Asian guy. "So, since I'm here can I get some names to faces please?" I asked as we walked around. They let me know everyone's name which made me nod. "Rick the cop. How...ordinary." I said which made them both stop walking and look back at me. "Hey, I am sure you understand how I'm feeling. But right now I trust you more than that Meryl guy up there so there's that." I said which made them look at each other and keep on moving. We ended up checking some stuff out before we went back to the roof and Rick and Glenn ended up leaving to try and find a way to get us all out.
"Hey little girl, mind letting me out?" I looked over at Meryl. "I may be young, but I'm not stupid." That made T-Dogg laugh. I walked over to the end of the roof and watched the two from above. Honestly I wasn't planning on leaving with this group. Once they gave everyone a opening I was going to run off and keep on moving on I'm this world. As much as they seemed trust worthy, anyone could die at any moment and that gave me a reason to not join them and become attached.
We heard Glenn on the walkie talkie and started to leave the roof. Meryl asked T-dogg to help him and when he ran over he ended up tripping. I saw the key flying and quickly caught it before it landed inside the drain. "God bless you little girl!" I looked over at T-dogg. "Go join your group." He looked at me confused. "Your not coming with us?" I scoffed and shook my head. "I'm what world did you assume I was coming with you guys? I like to do this alone." I told him, not giving him the full reason as to why I was traveling alone. "Are you-" he was about to say but I cut him off. "Go now!" I yelled at him which made me sigh and shake his head before leaving me and Meryl on the roof.
"Alright, let me out." I looked at Meryl and then the key. At first I thought it would be rude of me to leave him there but again, he was a racist good for nothing asshole. "No." I said before dropping the key in the drain. "You bitch!" I smirked, "I thought I was a blessed good child?" I mocked him. "How old are you huh? Who's letting you make decisions?" I thought about it, "Well, I'm thirteen and I think that's a good enough age to make decisions especially when it comes to if a racist should live or die." I told him before spitting at him and starting to walk towards the roof door. "Next time I see you little girl, your dead!" I didn't look back at him, "Your dead!" was the last thing I heard before descending down the stairs.
  I saw the group getting ready to leave and I slipped right past them, not wanting them to end up stopping me from going out on my own. As I was leaving, I saw T-dogg look my way. I saluted to him and he just chuckled and shook his head. "Maybe I would've liked that guy." I thought before running across the road again and back into the woods where I came from. I never saw Glenn pull back with Rick but I didn't see it as something I should be worried about since I wasn't going with them. I'm sure of Kimi saw me now, she would've been disappointed that I didn't go with them. But I wouldn't have went either way, she was the only person who convinced me that people were good, and now that she was gone...that part of me didn't matter anymore and I didn't want it to matter.

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