2 - Casa Amor, day 2

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Eva's POV

Clarisse, Amy, Salma and I sat in the ogle seats with Toby and Jake.

"Ok, so, yeah, give us the tea, guys." Clarisse started.

"Lads are interested." Jake replied.

"Mhm." We hummed.

"I'm not gonna say anything." Jake then said, "I can't say what, who, blah, blah."

"Right." I said.

"I'm just gonna say boys are interested." Jake finished.

"Some guidance, though, would be nice." Clarisse told him.

"Be yourself." Jake replied, making us laugh.

"Be yourself, good answer!" Toby laughed from beside me.

"Whatever you girls want, you've gotta go for it.." Jake continued.

"Yeah." Toby agreed.

"...because time is precious in here." Jake finished.

"Yeah, but you know what?" Toby asked, "you guys, it's, like... all right for you guys in the sense of..."

"Cause the girls aren't here." Clarisse finished.

"Exactly. So you've got no loyalties. You can just be yourselves in here." Toby said.

"Yeah." Jake agreed.

"Toby, how are you feeling? What do you think about Abi?" Clarisse questioned, "What do you thinks going on, like...?"

"I think she's doing the exact same stuff that I'm doing." He replied.

"How many days has it actually been?" Salma asked.

"If we're gonna really be truthful, it will be..." Toby said.

"Four. Four." Jake said.

"One. Because..." Toby said.

"Oh, right, yeah." Jake replied.

"..them three days..." Toby continued.

"She's come in four days ago." Jake interrupted.

"But them three days, all we talked about was about Chloe." Toby finished.

"Ah, okay. So did it take a lot for your head to be turned from Chloe?" I asked him.

"When we got told it was time to recouple, my head was scrambled, like, I was there and just had to choose on the spot." Toby replied.

"Okay, fair enough." I said.

We all moved away, and Clarisse, Salma, Lillie and I were sitting on the daybeds by the pool.

"So are you going to have chats with tonight?" I asked the girls.

"Liam, definitely." Lillie replied.

"I'm fancying Tyler and Teddy." Clarisse answered.

"Um, I'm not sure." Salma said, making us laugh.

"What about you?" Clarisse asked me.

"Toby and maybe Teddy." I replied.

"Nice." She replied.

"Yeah." I said.

"Who's coming?" Clarisse asked as we heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Hello, little boy." Lillie said, turning around.

"Huh? I'm a little boy?" Liam responded.

"Little big boy." She laughed.

"You ok?" He asked.

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