testing over

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Hello. Long time no chapter update. I know some of you might of been waiting for an update, but testing was just so stressful I couldn't concentrate on writing anything new, but now that testing is over I hope to update a lot more than before, by this I mean updates almost everyday or twice a day. This chapter has been written on the computer instead of my Ipad because I wanted to get used to writing on the computer for the summer when I wont have the Ipad because it will have been given back to my school because that's who I got it from. Over the summer I might not update everyday for long periods of time because I will be going places, such as Maryland or down to my cousins house. Whoever may be reading this SAVE ME from an Ipad less summer. I had a boyfriend for two days but then broke up with him because he just wasn't my type. Though he called me beautiful, I felt it was moving too fast and he lived in California and I lived in Pennsylvania, long distance relationships never work out because you don't know if the other person has someone else in their lives while your gone.

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