
27 1 1

Hello everyone. My best friend and I got into a fight and now I'm lonely. I miss her. She won't talk to me at all. And ignores any kind of contact with me. I said I was sorry so many times but she ignores them. I bet she thinks I'm pathetic right now and I wouldn't blame her I she did. I asked her sister to talk to her for me but that just made her madder. Man i wish she was still my friend. I miss her a lot. But I don't think she knows that. She is one of your fellow wattpaders. My life is not fun without her in it. It is dull and unlively. As you probably already think her and I have been friend for quite a while. I don't want to know what it's like to not have her as my best friend. I think life without her would be boring and unfun. She puts the party in party. Without her I feel lonely and scared. Scared because I'm afraid to be alone. I really hope she forgives me. If your reading this and your the person I am talking about. Than I am truly sorry and plz plz plz forgive me? 😭😭

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