Hey y'all

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So howve you been? Right now I'm obessed with watching musical.ly's and read weird books. I want to be romantic and all that shot to someone but I have no one to be romantic with. I want someone to live and love me back. But everyone I say to date is either taken or for the opposite gender or both! Ugh why does love have to be so hard. I just cant find the right now. I've been singing to my self again and talking to myself. I think I'm about to go crazy. And this all started with me reading this amazingly cute romantic gay romance book and I have been thinking why can't I find someone like that. Even if it doesn't last at least for a month or something like that. I knowb I've let you guys down and havent been updating my stories but I'm having brain fart. Writing is harder than it looks. I wish I could just spill my thoughts into the keyboard but it has to make since and if it doesn't you guys would think I was stupud. But I'm not stupid that's why itry and plan out things but it just mean making longer waiting times for the next chapter

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