Whores and Wenches

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They entered the brothel as they do on most island. Here, they are just another group of men looking for cheap women and an easy night. They stroll in as a group but one by one they follow girls into rooms and disappear from sight, their voices mingle and blended into the various noises of the night.

" you." his voice is loud to say the lease, strong. His form is tall, larger than life and his smile, no his smirk would scare any child leaving them in tears and nightmares. he is what you would call a pirate, everything from his hat down to the dirt under his toe nails. 

"pick another girl pirate, you can't afford me." she smiles a frighteningly sweet smile that makes one doubt where they are. 

"Don't worry sweetheart, there ain't nothing I cant afford so long as it's something i can take by force." he reaches for her.

" I'll say it again. I'm too expensive for you pirate, don't even get your hopes up" He laughs a kind of laugh that would make children cry.

"Like I said sweetheart, there ain't nothing I can afford." 

She gives in and finally smiles her sweetest smile, bashful like a girl never been touched by a man. 

She cups his face in her hands and slowly brings lips closer to his. 

" don't say I didn't warn you pirate. A single kiss from me, is worth at least 80 years of your pathetic life. " 

Everyone watches as the man falls dead in her arms. Regulars to the house burst out laughing as the guards take him from her to throw out. 

" Why are you even here Lyrah, no one can afford you! Cut us some slack!" One of the regulars jokes and she smiles towards him. 

" I'd charge all of you for staring at me if I could but I'd end up so rich that the navy would be after me. We can't have that now can we." They all laugh as another group walks in. 

Another Pirate to die by her hand

" You're the whore no one can afford. Heard bout you all the way in South blue." He grabs her wrist pulling her towards himself with a look she found hard to defy. 

" So what's the price." He brings his face close to hers as the whole store cackles ready to watch yet another pirate lose his life. 

"What is it your willing to pay for a night with me? Money? Treasure? A title?" She asks as her thundering heart echoes in her throat ready to burst out of her chest, afraid.

"I'm not some whore to pass around. The payment I take isn't anything you'd be willing to give me" His smile grows and grows, confident, drawing his gun up to her head. she draws her own holding it against his barreled chest. she smiles at him. 

" Sorry sweetheart, a little toy gun won't scare me." he drops the gun with a laugh. 

He smirks, a grin that signified his delight. He brushed the hair out of her face before reaching to the back of her head and pulling her lips to his own. 

Her gasps for breath can be heard in the now silent room, a look of complete shock washed over the whole store. 

"You tell me, how much was that kiss worth?" Everyone watches as a red ribbon like thread forms around their necks, binding them together before dissipating in a bright light. 

" A kiss from me, was worth your whole life pirate. You're life belongs to me now pirate." She grabs his collar pulling him down towards one of the back rooms. 

" You're wrong beautiful, you, belong to me, Eustass Captain Kid. You're mine." 

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