No one needs to know

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( I'm unsure of how I want to write this story so I'm just going to bust out any and all ideas I have and probably organize my thoughts later.. ) 

 the only thing this beast of a man cares for is his crew, ship, and his goal. I found that out almost automatically. 

Yes he likes booze, sex, and there's never anything wrong with money and treasure but he'd happily give it all up for a step closer to his goal. 

I joked to him, 

" No one needs to know I've trapped you.." I expected him to joke back but instead he glowered. 

" No one needs to know that you've trapped me. Only that I have you. Let them believe I've fallen madly in love, that I greedily want you strapped to my side like a pistole. Let them believe that you're a siren that's bewitched me so that no one will know that you're my new strength." I never heard of him to be a smart scheming pirate, only that he is violent and without mercy. 

" and what of your pride my love? " He smirks as he pulling me onto his ship. 

" No one will live long enough to question my pride." He motions for a tall blond to come forward. 

" Kid, Don't tell me you.." Kid cuts him off as he reaches for me.

" I wouldn't touch her if you wanna keep your life." At these words all eyes turn towards us and the red head only motions for us to follow him, as well as two others whom I suspect are some of his most trusted mates. 

" You say that no one needs to know yet you invite others to know of our arrangements." He just smirks. 

" They aren't no one. They'll keep you alive." The three others watch us, interested to know what exactly we are talking about. He nods towards them, motioning for me to introduce myself. 

" Lyrah." I pause for a moment unsure of how I should introduce myself. If I should tell them all of what I've told my partner or if I should give them a simple overview of our situation. All the man, Kid, does is watch with a dangerous look in his eye.

" I'm his woman and nothing more. I work for him and he now, perhaps the simplest way to explain would be that he lives for me. We, we are under a strict life or death contract so you have no need to worry about my betrayal so long as he, your captain, remains faithful and fulfilling to me." I watch his reactions, the red haired man I mean, he finally grins taking my hand in his, kissing the back of it, almost tenderly as if he's really in love.

" I've got it handled so all you have to do is make sure she doesn't die. She's weak but she'll be useful. No one touches her. Not one of our crew, not an enemy crew, not even the marines. She's mine, her life is mine, her power is mine, her everything is mine. In exchange, she has a hold on my life. You don't need to know anything other than that. The less people know about her true purpose, the better. Understood?" He finally questions and they nod.

" Lyrah.. Show them." he pushes me forward slightly before I show them my wrists. What was once beautiful unmarked wrists now had red string like marks wrapped around them. As I showed them, they glowed and a rope formed, around them leading to his neck where the same red line appeared.

" It's my devil fruit. No one can escape a deal with me. No one can betray me or cheat me. In turn, no one will ever be able to betray or cheat this crew." That is the simplest way I can explain.

" How will we know you, won't betray us?" The tall one asks and I smile. I hold out my hand for a weapon, which the captain happily hands to me.

" Just as his life is on the line, so is mine. I can not harm him in any way. Not physically, not emotionally. I feel everything he does. There are no secrets he can keep from me." I draw a line with the knife into his skin leaving a thin red line that also appeared on my skin.

" Of course that doesn't mean that I will be injured every time he is. Only when I am the one to inflict the injury. I can not kill him or partake in any activity that will result in his injury or betrayal. I can not, cut this tie to him, I can never sever this bond so long as the both of us live. If he dies by my hand, I die and if I die, so does he. So there really is no reason for you all to be wary of me. He was the one to come find me in the first place. I would have happily lived the rest of my life as an untouchable whore."

They almost flinch when I call myself a whore, as if it is taboo for one to call themselves as such, most likely also because I do not look as a typical call girl. It is true, I am untouched, or I was until this man found me.

" My love, shall we go?" I ask my now partner. He grins, no smirks in a way that seems as if he's scheming.

" Tell em to head out.. I wanna get out of this area before tomorrow. No telling how many people already knew about her power if we heard of her all the way in southblue." He pulls me against himself as we make our way to the door.

" No one needs to know about what's been said in this room understood." He gives one final look to the three men who stand dumfounded, confused even staring at us from the door.

" Kid, you astound me with your stupid crazy ideas.." The blond finally adds and they laugh.

" You've got our trust captain, no one needs to know." he finishes and I know we will be well on our way. 

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