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" Lyrah! Come bargain for me!" One screams from a circle of men trading their recently won riches. 

" You stupid fool, you don't need her power to know that your sapphire is worth more than that pearl." The blond beside me takes one look and retorts. 

" Lyrah, don't entertain those fools." Killer motions for me to follow him before my attention is demanded by others. 

" I don't mind at all, I like them. They're like children; dumb, vulnerable, and  desperate for affection." I watch as the Massacre soldier's shoulders shook with his silent laughter. 

" I can't disagree with you there but even so, Kid looks about ready to blow his top from jealousy. You have to remember he's one of those 'children' but the difference is, you're his. He doesn't like sharing his things. " I look over to where we're headed and see our said captain glaring daggers in our direction, fidgeting in his chair, ready to run over at the drop of a hat. 

" Lyrah, don't waste your breath on them. Come here." He orders in his strict voice and I can't help but to smile. 

" You have nothing to worry about my love. They're only boys desperate for a woman's attention. I'm only giving them a taste of what they could never have." He grins when I says this all the while patting his lap for me to take a seat on. He wraps his arm around my waist as I take a seat and I lean on him. He leans into my hair breathing in my scent, 

as if he's in love. 

" I have a job for you my beautiful song. There's a pirate wanting to trade information with us, says he's found a journal of some sorts. You'll be our..." he pauses for a moment, "Our liaison, trap him in a bargain he can't escape and kill him if he tries to run." He smirks drumming his fingers on my waist. 

" Putting me to work already? I wanted to relish in your company for just a while longer.." I brush the back of my hand against his cheek and he turns his head kissing it. 

" You say that as if you've fallen in love with me." He whispers grinning from ear to ear

" I could say the same thing about you, my captain." 

He releases me onto my feet with eyes that laughed in delight. 

yes, he is like a child, delighted with every compliment. He motions for Heat and Wire to stand beside me. 

" They'll go with you, can't have my future queen unguarded." I can't help but to grimace at the title. A whore and queen never seem to fit right in the same world. 

Heat puts a hand on my shoulder motioning that it's time to go. Kid doesn't say another word as Heat and Wire lead me away; makes me wonder if he's just that good of an actor, seeming to be in love with me. 

At the same time, a fear settled in my throat and deep into my stomach. I am supposed to have control over men. They find me irresistible, they would risk their lives, their dreams for me. Is that still true? In a place where their lives are already at stake, where they have no time to think about woman, am I still irresistible? Will I be worth anything out here? 

In this moment of fear, uncertainty, for some reason, I had hoped that this man who owns my life, whose life I own, this man that I am stuck with until death takes us, I had hoped he would worry excessively. 

"Lyrah." He speaks my name with such, authority, that i can come to see why he is captain. 

" Lyrah," He says a little bit quietly, a little bit sweeter. He walks forward with big heavy steps. Pulling me close, tenderly, gently even, he pulls me close, leaning down to burry his nose into my hair. 

" I can feel your fear in me but there's sure as hell nothing you should be scared of. No now, not ever so long as you're mine. Your body is mine, your hair is mine. your life is mine. Do not let them touch you. You, are not allowed to let them touch even a hair on your body." 

An unfamiliar emotion fill me, an emotion that is not mine; an uncomfortably emotion fill my stomach and makes my heart pound. Something too nice, too pure to have come from a pirate and a whore. He leans down close to my ear. 

" Trust in my men, your men. They won't let any of them touch you." He whispers so quietly for only me to hear. 

" Even so, I cant help but be afraid. I'm just a brothel girl, a whore " His lips touch mine.

" No. not just some whore. My woman and my queen." He kisses me again before flashing me his infamous smirk. I can't help but give him a smile, a genuine smile that I did not know he could convince me to make. 

" Kid" I can only let his name slip past my lips in a whisper before he motions for us to leave and we do so. 

I can feel his heart racing with mine, like a drumline, echoing the same rhythm as if our hearts are one, as if, 

we are in love. 

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