Your worth

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Never had this happened before. Not since before she ate that damned devil fruit anyways. and since then, she hasn't felt the touch of a man on her skin, never tasted the salt of the sea on a mans skin, never smelt the scents of booze stained on a man's collar. Not since eating that damn devil fruit.

His skin is rough against hers and hot, so very hot against her skin. Like a fire is burning under his skin, ready to consume her. His touch is harsh but welcome because she never thought this day would come, where a man wouldn't fall dead at her touch.

" Tell me sweetheart, why that bastard fell dead when he touched you." He murmurs while laying a trail of kisses down her back.

" A touch from me was worth more than he could give."

"Hmm." I can feel his smile, a savage smile against my back.

Ravage to say the least, he did more that ravage my body but somehow, I knew that he, knew. I am not someone to mess around with. I am now his as he is now mine, bound by a price and payment, a contract if you will. He did not hurt me and when morning came, he still laid beside me.

" Eustass Captain Kid, I heard you were on the island, never would have thought you'd come looking for a brothel girl like me." I drum my fingertips against his large chest as he cracks as eye open to peer at me.

" heard there was a damn beautiful whore with an interesting devil fruit. Figured you'd be useful and you'd look nice at my side." He starts to sit up and stretching his limbs before standing. This bear of a man stands without a hint of embarrassment even while being stark naked. He smirks as I go to stand beside him with his garments.
" and in my bed" he finishes turning to face me.
"I see your point but sweetheart, or maybe I should call you captain, there's a lot to my devil fruit that you don't know. You might be in for more than you bath in for." Grinning, he pulls his pants on and rests his hand on the small of my back, slowly beginning to trace my shape.

" What's there to explain. you're mine " I can't help but laugh at his simplicity.

" As you are mine but my love, there is more to it than that. we are bound by more than words. I deemed your life worthy of mine. My internal scale weighs options and I, I determine the worth. If what you say is worth what I bargain with. If both parties agree, perfect, everything with work out just fine but if they try to cheat me, they fall dead like that poor pirate before you." He grins as if he'd already known all of this.

" And why is it that your mine sweetheart?" He brushes the back of his hand against my cheek before running it though my hair.

"I decided that you were worth a night with me. When you touched me, I decided that your touch is worth my life. We are bound by those two bargains." I shutter has he traced his finger up my spine and into my hair.
"Your expectation, your standards are sky high and you have the attitude and beauty to compete with Boa Hancock and yet, now your mine." He kisses me once more before sitting back into the edge of the bed.

He watches my every move with his dangerous eyes, predatory eyes. He watches everything from how I redress myself to how I pack a few things into a bag.

" One word of warning Eustass, if you ever cheat me, betray the bargain, you'll be the next dead man."

" beautiful, after last night I know I don't want anyone but you. Your beauty, your power is worth my every breath." He pulls me close with a quick tug of my shirt, pulling me close, tight against his chest, between his knees, staring into my eyes and I can see the beast swimming in the Windows of his soul.

" but Eustass, my love, you don't know anything about my devil fruit. Worth is ever changing sweetheart. You can be worth all the worlds gold one day and lose it all the next. If you ever become worthless to me, well you'll be like every other man who's ever touched me. You'd have cheated me out of our bargain" he smirks and I mirror it.

" You've got to maintain your worth my love."

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