Question 7

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GachaLifeGalaxy5 asked: How would you imagine your first full blooded child going to be in the future & do you think Crystal would make a good big sister?

Meggy: Well first off, Crystal would make a great sister, and she is...kinda full blooded. I don't know, the code of the universe is really hard to understand.

Tari: And Second, but since it's impossible for two women to have kids from both of us, our plans for more kids right now are looking at adopting or IVF. At most, the child would only be half of one of us...

Meggy: But we'd love them all the same! Regardless if they're tough and a fighter like me or a nervous wreck like you used to be!

Tari (Blushing): Meggy, shut up!

Crystal: And After thinking about it for a while, I'd love to have a little sibling! Well, as long as I didn't need to change a diaper.

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