Question 15

107 2 0

GachaLifeGalaxy5 asked: Thought of Friday Night Funkin?

Crystal: Momma, what's that?

Tari: Oh, it's just this really funny looking singing game Crystal. I personally think it's long as you have an arm built for playing games.

(3 hours later)

(Meggy returns and flops on the couch)

Meggy: Ugh...let's never look up that question ever again.

Tari: It was so bad that you had to leave to throw up?

Meggy: No, I just needed to step out for a minute. The hurling my guts out was...y'know, the other thing...

Crystal: Hmm?

(Meggy eyes widened, realising that whatever she was keeping secret, she'd just spilled the beans.)

Meggy: Uh..............

Tari: Meggy, maybe it's time we told people the truth?

Meggy: Cmon, I thought we we gonna wait at least another week until telling-

Tari: Meggy...

Meggy: Doh, alright. Let's...Let's Tell them.

(See the important announcement from Meggy and Tari in the next post)

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