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— Later at home

The others were at Team Destruction house were talking, playing games, and watching a movie. Ember, Kydo, Blits, and Bryce were at the kitchen talking and drinking. "So what did you guys did back there during your fun time?" Kydo quietly whispered. Blits' ears perked up as Bryce nearly choked on his drink. Kydo looked at them with a mischivious giggle. "B-Blits please don't tell them. Please don't!" Bryce quietly shouted. "Ooohhh where do I begin? Blits smirked. "Let's just say I push Bryce in the shower and give him some nice neck bites-" "Blits honey! Please!" Bryce begged quietly. "Oh and gave him a hard amount of pounding and pleasure he receiving.~" Blits wrapped his arm around Bryce and places his hand on his waist which made Bryce's face turns red. "Ooooo nice Bryce, he sure pound you real good~." Kydo smirked at Bryce who is still turning red. "What about you ladies? What did you both do?" Blits asked. Ember and Kydo look at each blushing and Ember quietly responded "Well... we were messaging each other bodies and-" "We both gave each other pleasure which is sooo good. Especially Embers~."Kydo quietly responded as Ember blushed. "Mmmm seems like you girls had a fun time in there." Blits took a sip of his drink. "Yep, maybe next time we should go back there and do it all over again~." Kydo quietly responded. "Indeed, I hope my echidna won't mind~." "BLITS! Shush!" Bryce covered his face as the other three laughed after their fun day on the beach together and hoping they will do their "fun" time together again soon.

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