Disco Kid Relationship Headcanons

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- Disco Kid is pretty fast paced in your relationship. He'll take you out on a date every week if he can.

- Loves taking you to dance clubs for dates

- Wouldn't punch a guy if he tried to hit on you at said club, but would definitely start rumors around the club about him, or talk shit to his face, make him feel real bad about himself

- now if the guy got handsy with you? Yeah disco Kid would definitely punch him.

- this guy loovveesss PDA.

- just loovvess being able to show you off and let everyone in the room know you're his and vice versa

- will often keep an arm around you in public

- also likes it if you display pda towards him in public. He just likes to feel loved by you

- his kisses are very sweet, and you can feel a lot of energy through them. They're usually pretty long lasting too

- Has a mixtape made specially for you, and smiles so big and brightly Everytime he sees you listening to it.

- even if you two aren't at a dance club, he'll love to just break out in dance anywhere with you!

- but if you're also not really into dancing, that's okay with him too

- would totally be up for a movie date at one of your places if that's more your thing

- prefers to watch movies about dancing though (dirty dancing being his favorite to watch with you)

- If you don't know how to dance at all, ohhh man he would be more than happy to teach you.

- he'd probably start with teaching you slow dancing, trying to be all romantic and whatnot

- even though you guys are already in a relationship, he still flirts like hell with you, he just can't get enough of your cute blush

- also likes it if you flirt back at him.

(If you can't tell I'm doing all the guys in order)

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