Piston Hondo Relationship Headcanons

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- I hc that Piston's kind of a reserved and busy guy

- Which is how he is in a romantic relationship too

- It's nothing against you, it's just who he is. His mind is set on his work and training a lot, it's all he's done for awhile

- but he does love you though, and has actively worked on not letting his work and training get in the way of your relationship

- If he hasn't seen you in a while, he will make time for you. Even if that means flying you to Japan or flying to your country. He doesn't like being away from you for so long

- Loves to make different traditional Japanese dishes for you. He just loves being able to share his culture with you

- also likes bringing you gifts from Japan

- Dates with piston are definitely not casual. He likes them to be long and drawn out, spending time with you to do different activities

- the things he likes doing during dates are things such as eating out at a quiet place, hiking, walking around town together, and occasionally going to the theaters if they're screening a movie he actually wants to see.

- As for PDA with Piston, he doesn't really like it. He feels as though it's a bit rude

- but in private? That's a whole different story for him

- Is very affectionate to you in private, often just gazing at you with these eyes that are glazed in love and adoration

- likes to just feel you, whether it be a hand on your shoulder, arm, or leg while watching tv, or and arm around your shoulders or waist while you're cooking

- also loves to kiss you in private

- his kisses are short but very sweet and you can feel the tenderness in them.

- Would absolutely be willing to teach you some Japanese phrases (likes you both to be able to tell each other "I love you" in Japanese)

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