Super Macho Man Relationship Headcanons [Requested]

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(this was requested so long ago I'm so sorry I keep going on unannounced hiatuses)

- This guy is constantly surrounded by people but I honestly don't think he's ever experienced an actual loving romantic relationship.

- Like yes people are fawning over him all the time and claiming to love him but it's likely due to being star struck fans and just wanting things from him (cause you know, he's rich asf)

- So it's sort of new to him.

- He's gonna try to shower you in gifts all the time, half because he likes you and wants you to feel as luxurious as he does, and half because he thinks he has to buy you things to keep you around.

- You're gonna end up having to show him that you love him and will stay no matter what.

- Anyways,, this guy ALWAYS has eyes on him in public and he absolutely revels in it, even when on a date with you. He never gets tired of the paparazzi

- but maybe you do get tired of them. At first he's gonna be reluctant to do anything about it. He just loves getting his ego stroked

- But after he sees just how uncomfortable you are he'll take you two somewhere private away from prying eyes

- He may have the biggest, most inflated ego ever but he cares about you and wants to show you that, so he's willing to sacrifice some spotlight for you.

- Okay but also it's likely going to take a long while for the relationship to become deeper. It stays surface level for awhile as SMM just isn't really one for opening up and being vulnerable around someone.

- I feel like he's gone through his whole life being the too cool for that mushy shit kind of guy and doesn't like the weakness he feels when he lays bare his emotions.

- but the relationship becoming deeper can be done of course, and it's definitely worth the wait and effort <3

- I think it goes without saying that Macho man LOVES PDA.

- like this guy ALWAYS has his arm draped around your waist or shoulder, sometimes giving you a light squeeze and then giving you a sly wink when you look up at him with that red hue on your cheeks.

- As for dates? He likes beach dates of course

- The two of you walking down to the beach, playing volleyball or playing chicken in the water. Maybe sun bathing if you don't really feel like doing anything

- honestly anything at the beach is fun for him as long as you're there.

Again I'm sorry for the wait, I'm also in the middle of writing that Piston Hondo one shot that was requested awhile back (agh the wait has been too long 😭😭)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I want to maybe try to write more for the headcanon chapters since they were just so short before

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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