The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow

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The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow original poem by m.rain all rights reserved 

She was powerful,

Curing all of my bad dreams

Before I had them.

She saw stars in my eyes

And sat outside my bedroom door

Until she was sure I'd fallen asleep safely.

Some nights, she took the stars from my eyes

And put them in the sky

For us to gaze at.

When it started to get warmer

We sat outside on benches

And said hello to everybody

And thought about the beauty

In everything.

Sometimes I think of the candle we

Burned in a dorm room.

We've never given much of a shit

About the rules, have we?

The colors melted and dripped into

One another

Becoming one.

She was there when I learned all my favorite songs

And always listened when I showed her new ones.

She knew happiness

In the purest form, which is;

Breaking from time to time,

And finally catching your breath,

And stumbling home;


Pure happiness is --

Not being happy all the time.

She was resilient.

She was a flower in a snowstorm,

Bending with the weight

And blooming in the spring.

Always popping out to say hello,

But not always being happy.

Always holding my hand and

Proving me wrong.

When they threw bricks at us,

We used them to build a goddamn wall.

We picked up pens

And traded their spite for poetry,

And wrote them off.

She taught me how to live,

Through words and history and laughter.

She taught me that even when the world is ending,

The sun will come up tomorrow. 

-m. rain 

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