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people go
but how they left
always stays

-rupi kaur

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Lately, Laurielle hadn't been able to find an escape from her thoughts; Work had no affect— and neither did the books.

Gloom had became an unwanted visitor of hers, yet she allowed it to manifest, "What do you think of the placement now?" Andrea asked snapping Laurielle out of her thoughts,

Twisting her lips to the side, Laurielle critiqued the wall's decor— Andrea was currently in the process of redecorating her apartment, and asked her favorite cousin for help.

Without complaint, Laurielle willingly volunteered to help out, after all it did occupy her a bit "That's perfect actually."

"Great," Andrea beamed with excitement "And now it's time to bring in the masterpiece, I'm ready for it Kevin..."

"This thing is huge," remarked Kevin as he hauled the canvas into the room "How about you let me put this one up Ms. Independent?"

"Sure, do your thing." she stepped out of his way allowing him to hang the portrait, which displayed shades of dark blues, purples, and a hint of gray as thunder zigzagged from top to bottom,

The setting was obviously a storm, but directly in the center was a colored woman holding an umbrella with rays of sun light shining from underneath.

"Oh wow that's beautiful," Laurielle spoke as Kevin agreed "I'm sure it must've taken hours to finish a painting that large."

"I love it, and I owe all of my thanks to..." Andrea squinted a bit, and attempted to pronounce the artist's name "Al— Alsinia? Aslina?"

"Alsina." Laurielle whispered to herself while slowly approaching the painting, "August did this?"

"Who's August?" Kevin intervened but was ignored

"No way, THE August— as in YOUR August?" Andrea asked as Laurielle confirmed "Why didn't you mention that he was an artist!? You know how much I love art!"

"Drea you have to tell me, where did you get this painting from? I have to know please I— I need to see him again."

"I ordered it online, I believe the website is still open on my laptop come on!"

The two of them rushed into her bedroom and hovered over the laptop, carefully scanning down the website, Laurielle had discovered a numerous amount of August's paintings for sale,

"Wait wait wait, what's that address?" Laurielle asked as Andrea double clicked it

"Looks like it's an art shop located in Idyllwild, that's like 2 hours away from here..."

Laurielle quickly rushed out of the room and grabbed her things, "I've driven that road before and I'll drive it again, 2 hours for me is about 30 minutes. I have to make this right, see you later."

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Finally arriving to her destination, Laurielle killed the engine and stepped out of the car.

milk & honey | august Where stories live. Discover now