5. Mitsuki

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Shoto's POV

"Sorry about that" Touya said. He gave me a change of clothes. "Also sorry that you have to wear that... I can get you a jacket"

"No it's-" I looked at the shirt, which was a very weird Hawks merchandise. "Actually sure"

"Yeah, probably wise"

I went to the bathroom to change into the clothes he gave me. When I came out of the bathroom he gave me a hoodie and I put it on.

"Wanna go get your stuff?" He asked me.

"So I'm staying?"



"Let's go" He said and walked away with me following. We got into the car, which was actually really nice. Then he handed me his phone and said, "type in the address."

"Okay," I said. Holy shit this is so awkward. I did it and gave it back. He started driving towards the location.

"We didn't really talk that much" He said. "Do you want to tell me anything? Or want to ask anything?"

"Oh I have so many questions, and many things to tell you," I said.

"What do you want to start with?"

"Telling? I guess?"

"Okay go ahead." He smiled.

"Okay, first of all, I was staying with my boyfriend and we're going to his house right now"

"Why didn't you tell me that? I would've prepared something?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Like as your older brother?"

"I'm taller then you"

"You're disowned," he stook his head. I laughed. "What else is there?"

"Um" depression, anxiety, abuse... "I don't know, do you want to know anything?"

"How is everyone doing?"

"Um, Endeavor is an asshole like always. Mom is still in the hospital, but I finally actually got to see her. Fuyumi is a teacher. And Natsuo is going to med school."

"Med school?!" He said in complete surprise and a hint of concern.

"Yeah? What's wrong with that?"

"Okay, I'm not trying to be mean, but I would not trust him with my life"

I laughed. "I wouldn't either, if I'm being completely honest"

"Hmm, that's nice that you got to see mom. I never saw her. Weren't you scared?"

"N-no..." I said.

"But you used to be terrified," he said.

"You know it actually wasn't her." I admitted.

"What do you mean?"

"She didn't- do it. It was Endeavor."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I did. No one believed me, so I stopped."

"You could have told me when it happened."

"I tried to but you thought I was being metaphorical when I said that it was his fault"

"Oh. I'm sorry"

"It's okay, plus it's way better now that I don't have to stay on the same household as him"

"That's a plus..." he said. We drove in silence for a while, until we got there. "Do you want me to stay here?"

"Um, they'll probably want to talk to you" I said.

"Oh god.." he said. We both got out of the car and went to the door. I knocked on the door. Mitsuki opened the door immediately.

"Hi love! Glad you're.... back. who's this?"

"This is my brother, I can stay with him from now on." I said.

"Aww, well it was nice to have a son," Mitsuki said.

"MA, I'M RIGHT HERE!" Katsuki yelled suddenly coming up to her side.

"SHUT UP KATSUKI-" Mitsuki yelled. "Do you wanna come in? I'm sure you're here for your stuff."

"Uh yeah," I said. "I'll be quick." I said to Touya.

Touya's POV

"Come in, come in, I have so many questions for you!" The lady said to me. Her son (which I'm assuming is Shoto's boyfriend) went up with Shoto. She sat me down on a couch and sat next to me. "So what's your name? I don't think I caught it.."

"Touya, and yours?" I have not socially interacted with someone I don't know in a while. Well except at like the store, I guess that counts.

"I'm Mitsuki, my annoying son is named Katsuki," she said. "So where do you live?"

"It's like 20 minutes away from here," I said.

"You know what? We should exchange numbers! I never got to meet Shoto's parents because they're such- oop sorry" she cringed.

"It's okay, I agree." I said. She put her hand out and I gave her my phone and she gave me hers.

"Well I mean your the next best thing. Plus I want Shoto to have the best treatment after what happened. That's terrible." She said. She gave me back my phone and I gave her, her phone.

"They did the same to me," I blurted out like it was no big deal.

"Aww honey what happened?" She randomly started hugging me.

"Um, I got pregnant," oh God dammit.

"Aww, it's okay." She patted my head like a dog. "Does that mean you have kids?"

Oh my God she didn't even- wow. That's so cool.

"Yeah, I have 3." I said.

"That's amazing-"

"I'm ready!" Shoto said.

"You have to text me the photos of them!" She said, letting me go.

"Okay." I said.

"Bye Mitsuki!" Shoto said. He kissed.. Katsuki was it? "Bye babe"

"Bye..." I said to her and got up.

"Bye honey, see you two!" Mitsuki said. "KATSUKI-" She started to yell as we went out the door.

"Did she ask you a lot of questions?" Shoto asked.

"Not really, you were pretty quick. She is actually really nice," I said.

"Ooo, nice did you make friends with her?"

"Yeah I guess..." I said.

"Yay!" He said unenthusiastically. I think he's actually excited, but that's just his personality?

"Now I can ask YOU questions!" He smiled.

I sighed.


Hi, how are you today?

Words: 959

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