More of a Hero than a Villain

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There once was a group of five "heroes", called The Legends League, that fought one "villain", called Robonetic. As I stepped into the world from my portal, I felt no magic whatsoever. There was no magic in the air, no magic in my body, none of the above. I also didn't have any change to myself besides being fully human and having no magic. None of my characters nor anyone I recognized were here. I didn't understand why my gem brought me here or why I became human. I looked in a nearby flower shop and saw a familiar face in a picture frame surrounded by white lilies. Evie... how is she here...? I felt my eyes burn as I gain this world's Aero's memories. Evie was the most loved protector of this world until one of the so-called "heroes" tried to help her with something but the so-called "hero" got her killed. I felt tears running down my face, why am I crying? I don't even know who she was in this world... I felt someone staring at me so I turned around. There was a guy across the road looking at me in fear. Was I one of these said "heroes"...? Why was he looking at me like that...? He realized he was staring and immediately speedwalks away. I sure hope that wasn't the villain or the heroes... or a tattle tail... or anyone who will pull me into the story of this world. I decide to stay in this world in Aero's apartment which was next to a flower shop. I bet she owned the place in this world or just liked being near flowers.

A week goes by and I still don't feel powerful enough to portal myself back to the roleplay world. I can't gain magic if I can't feel any. I went on a daily routine of going to the flower shop after doing literally everything. One day, during the week, as I was looking at the flower shop again... I get pulled into a group of people, facing that guy I saw when I first got here. The guy was controlling a robot and looking at me confused. I looked at the group that held me captive. There were two girls and three guys... this is some deja vu. One girl had blonde hair and a white church outfit, the other girl had ink-black hair and looked like an e-girl, one guy I couldn't see since he was holding me, one guy who was a grey wolf furry, and the last guy looked like his name would be Brett.
"You think this weird girl is the one that can defeat me?" the guy asks while laughing
"Yeah, Zapp, we can't risk killing another innocent person... this is our last chance of redeeming ourselves..." the girl with blonde hair mumbles to the person holding me
"Yeah, Sun! I know what I'm doing! I have a feeling that this girl might be who you are afraid of!! For some reason-" the person holding me, Zapp I guess, barks at the girl with the blonde hair.
"Don't you remember what happened to White Shadow? You got her killed," the furry mumbles to Zapp
"I know I did, Wolfman!! But I know I have to trust my gut here. My gut says that this is that imaginative girl Robo keeps talking about!!" Zapp hisses at the furry
"Ha! You don't know anything!! The imaginative girl's eyes were white when I first saw her!! This girl's eyes are brown and light blue!!!" the robot guy in front of the group yells
"Imaginative girl?" I ask
"Heroes can hide in plain sight!! You don't know that this is the imaginative girl unless you gave her a chance to show you what she can do with her powers!!!" Zapp yells at the robot guy
"She wouldn't have the time since I already have her!" the robot guy says before snatching me up with his robot's arms. I was more annoyed than scared because I didn't want to be caught up in this story's timeline but I got myself into it anyway like I always do. I didn't even flinch or scream, I just crossed my arms
"Well this is gonna be fun," I mumble to myself
"What was that, girly?" the robot guy asks
"None of your business," I loudly say to him
"I am gonna take this girl and hold her hostage whether you like it or not!!" the robot guy yells to the group
"I don't care, I don't even know them," I say
"You hand that innocent citizen over or we're gonna make you!!" Zapp yells. Ew he looks like a blonde fem-boy that's cosplaying Shazam lol
"No, I don't think I will," the robot guy says, crossing his arms. I took this opportunity to make myself go into ragdoll mode so that he can release me and I can go back to gathering energy to take myself back to the roleplay world. I forced my eyes shut to pretend I was dead so I can be free
"Uh, Zapp-" I hear Sun start
"Not now, Sun," I hear Zapp snap
"The girl passed out," I hear Sun mumble, very scared and quiet
"Oh, that she is..." I hear the robot guy say, shaking me to see if I woke up. Nope, not gonna give in
"Mine now!! That's another death on your hands and it's not my fault again!!" I hear the robot guy exclaim before I felt the robot moving
"Let's go bot!!" the robot guy yells from above. We move at a quick pace for a while until we stop. I feel myself being lowered onto the cold, hard ground.

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