Greenhouse Greens

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I woke up and I found myself surrounded by peonies in my room. The walls had peonies and leaves covering every inch. I move some of them and found that the walls were made of glass. This made less sense than the house that was in the Roleplay World that I live in. I felt something around my neck so I reached for it. It was a key tied around a long piece of thread made from dead vines that were de-thorned and de-leafed. I take a look at my wardrobe and see only a few vintage and cottage-core dresses. I change out of my PJs and into a beautiful vintage, cottage core dress:

I unlock my door with the key and have the strong urge to lock my door back up

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I unlock my door with the key and have the strong urge to lock my door back up. I wasn't sure why but I closed and locked the door behind me. I turn around and get spooked by someone I recognized, were all my friends here? I never saw them in any of the worlds I have ever visited except during the incident of the Bloomed Night curse. I panicked when I remembered why I had been searching for that key that opens any door. Karl was stuck in the world I was born in, locked in the Digital Hearts kingdom that I'm no longer allied with. Talia, the ruler of that kingdom, had kept him hostage unless I brought back a lot of people for her to become a proper kingdom again.
"Are you ok?" Mittens asked. I noticed that she also had a vintage cottage core dress:

Is this world's style vintage cottage-core cause I'm not complaining? I'd stay here if I could"Yeah, just fine," I blurt out, coming out all salty"Oh gosh

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Is this world's style vintage cottage-core cause I'm not complaining? I'd stay here if I could
"Yeah, just fine," I blurt out, coming out all salty
"Oh gosh... is it affecting you too? I know Niny and Sheam have been at each other's throats ever since the roses took over the house but I didn't think they'd affect you and I," Mittens looks at me concerned
"No... sorry, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today..." I mumble, rubbing my forehead
"Oh, good. I didn't want to deal with another jealous person in the house. Let alone you being jealous..." Mittens sighs
"The peonies told me that the roses started another argument between the two today,"  I sigh
"Another? What was it today?" Mittens gasped
"That you and I are dating again... they always make that assumption since we are close friends. I don't understand why Niny and Sheep are jealous of that!" I explain
"I guess either of them must have liked one or both of us," Mittens guesses
"Likely one otherwise they'd be jealous of either you or I," I state, looking towards the rest of the house. The entire house was covered in roses and rose vines but it had other plants just chilling along beams or in pots on tables. It was a horrid sight to see, especially because roses are the most awful gossip, turning every human against each other. They love to talk everyone's ears off, they are a knife in Niny's and Sheam's backs. I look at Mittens again
"So what's for breakfast?" I ask
"Salad like every day... we have to get rid of these plants somehow..." Mittens sighs in defeat
"What's the salad of the day?" I ask
"Every edible one again, these plants are growing too fast so we have to have more everything salads than usual," Mittens crosses her arms
"How fast?" I ask
"We have to eat two a day this time, tomorrow might be three a day if those two keep tending to the roses," Mittens answers, glaring into the living room
"We might have to give some salad to the neighbors if we don't hurry!!" I exclaim
"We might, let's start now before we have to eat everything salads for every hour of the day!!" Mittens exclaims in response. I heard a vase shattering and immediate screaming from Niny and Sheam.
"That must be them..." Mittens grumbles
"You go start with the salad, I'll deal with Sheep and Niny," I nod. Mittens heads towards the kitchen while I headed towards where the screaming was coming from. I was greeted with another vase thrown to a wall near my head.
"THEY ARE NOT DATING!!! THEY'RE TOO UGLY FOR EACH OTHER!!! AERO WOULD NEVER DATE YOU EITHER BECAUSE YOU ARE ALSO UGLY!! THAT'S WHY AERO SHOULD DATE ME!!!!" Niny screams from the top of her lungs at Sheam. Niny was wearing a pastel pink vintage cottage core dress: 

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