House Hunting

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Today was a relatively peaceful day, the birds were singing, the sun was shining. No one could deny; today was a beautiful day. Well that is until a van comes screeching around the street corner.




Yep there they are, the heroes of this story. The idiot driving is Miles, your average run of the mill bad influence. He loves causing trouble, and doesn't mind a fist fight with the undead. The one about to lose her breakfast is his sister; Emily. She's smart and likes to stick to the hand me down lore books, why did she let Miles drive? We don't know. Besides Emily is Betty, she's a shorty with an even shorter temper, she tends to be the one getting everyone else out of trouble. Currently Betty is threatening to kill Miles because in her eyes, and most others, he's a loser. Up in the passenger seat is the ever flamboyant Graham. He's tall, gay, flirty, and to top it all off he's the camera man.

Once again the group known as the "Kreep Killerz" is out on the prowl. Looking for supernatural disturbances, and helping those in need. Unfortunately they have their own problems to solve as well. 

"That's it, pull over and get outta' the seat I'm driving." Betty scowled.

"In your dreams shorty." Miles grunted whilst speeding down the dirt path.

They constantly argued, especially now with their string of bad luck. It seemed to follow them everywhere they went. Betty would argue that if they got rid of miles, they would fix that. However Miles was not a dog you could just drop off at a shelter. So they were stuck with him.

A client had called concerning a house that resides just out of town. They claimed that the children were starting to hear things, cold spots in the middle of summer, and they even swore that the house moved. So they packed up and set off to the new haunt.

The poor old farm house at the end of elderberry road had seen some things in its time. A tree that went through the front window on one fateful Christmas day, the brutal murder- suicide of the family by the man of the house. But now the little blue farm house in the middle of buttfuck nowhere- had these four outcasts stompin about its interior. It already didn't like people living here, and they hate tourists even more.

Normally a house wouldn't mind, being inanimate as most houses are. But this house had a serious ghost problem. So severe in fact tgat the ghosts no longer resided in the house, but they were the house. So- in this case- the house itself was very pissed off with these intruders.

As the house watched them unpack their bags full of instruments such as spirit boxes, emfs, sage, and gummy bears. The house knew they'd come to piss it off on purpose. 'Why couldn't the mortals just leave us alone'. The floorboards creak and bend in protest to the intruders.

So naturally, before they could even ask- and conjure up the name the house had worked so hard to forget- the house devised a plan to be rid of these pests. A plan meant to keep them in, rather than get them out. 

The group broke up, one with a long ponytail and bangs left to go to the car, three others remained. The tall tanned fellow, a greasy grunge scene boy, and a short green haired lady. They also split up, the tallest going around setting up cameras, the shortest looking over and inspecting their equipment. Mullet dude just wandered about, avoiding the basement and instead heading up the stairs. 


Graham was alone in the ugly yellow kitchen setting up a few cameras, when suddenly the windows flew open. Glass shattering as the frames were thrown against the walls. Graham instinctively ducked and covered his face from the flying pieces. "Rude," the pink haired boy muttered under his breath. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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